
Monday, August 29, 2011

Damselfly Party

Did I ever tell you that I have more than one favorite place at the nature parks I visit? I probably did, but I'm telling it to you again. For some reason most of them are either on or close to bridges. This latest one I visited is no exception.

I won't show you the bridge this time, but I'm going to show you what I was looking at while I stood on the bridge. It was this little group of damselflies. I had to stop and watch them because I usually only see one at a time, but this time there several.

I guess this is the time of year for all the bugs to get their last business in before it gets too cold for them. These damselflies were just swarming the area around this little river. They moved so fast that it was hard to get any pictures at all. But there were so many that I got as many as I wanted.

Even three damselflies at a time was not out of the question. But they were always on the move. I had to be quick every time I clicked the shutter button on my camera. But there was something interesting about them that I noticed.

Ifa damselfly finds a spot that it likes it will fly away but then quickly come right back to that favored spot. I watched these do that multiple times so I was able to keep my camera pointed to that very same spot and get many pictures of them.

Here are the same three damselflies getting a little too close to each other, so they flew away again to their other leaves. I had many more pictures like these, but you probably only want to see three. I could have stood there all day looking down from the bridge at these dragonflies. But it's time for us to move on.

Nature is so full of interesting things to see, and so is the internet. We have a one of my favorite videos ever over at Nature Center Magazine today. It shows a whole year of a nature park in just a minute or two. So many things go by.

And over at Rat Tales I have the newest episode of A Haunted Soul. This one features a huge change for our lonely ghost. He now has some visitors that have come to the castle grounds, and they have come specifically to see him.

I'll be back next time with an all new everyday adventure. What will I bring you? What will we see? I don't know yet either. I hope it's something good!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. You never fail to bring us interesting photos. I really like these. I've never heard of a damselfly before. It must have been fun to watch them all

  2. You've gotten many beautiful damselfly pictures, and that red one is something I didn't see yet.

    I got just one green damselfly and it is featured on my blog.

  3. I adore damsels and dragonflies..great captures!

  4. I always liked damselflies and the way they their heads seem to be all eyes.

  5. I agree I could sit and watch them for hours too and I noticed they have favorite spots kind of like we do in our homes. Love that video it's wonderful. Wouldn't it be fun to set up a camera like that?

  6. Great photos! They are very pretty little creatures!

  7. Wow- I like how you managed to catch one in flight.

  8. a very lively damselfly party, love your shots, so vivid and clear.

  9. That's true, it's getting colder again...:=(

    Hope these creatures enjoy and have fun before cold kicks in again!

  10. Wow, you succeeded in takingp hotos? Cool! You must be tiptoing and you hid your shadow good enough to get great shots.

  11. I don't know if it's just too cold and foggy where I am but I never see damselflys, Ratty. It's a good thing you see them often and post such great shots of them!

  12. I love to watch damselflies and dragonflies too. You got some really cool shots Ratty.

    I have noticed that about dragonflies too, they will return to the same spot time after time. It does make it a little easier to photograph them.

  13. Nature is so full of interesting things to see,...I agree with You!

  14. you are talentedin taking these photos for sensitive insects/animals... great shots and results.
