
Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'd like you to meet Isabella. Isabella will be my new hiking companion most of the time from now on. She might frighten away some of the other animals, but it's good to have her with me now. My dad died in his sleep almost two weeks ago now, two days after my last post. He had cancer that we knew he wouldn't recover from. It went bad for him, but he was at peace at the very end.

So right now I'm living in his house at least for awhile. I still have to decide what I'm going to and where I'll go from here. Will I go back to Michigan or will I stay around here from now on? The one thing I do know is that I have Isabella with me, so I won't be too lonely.

I adopted Isabella from a family that couldn't take care of her anymore. She wasn't getting along with other animals and needed a change. She's a big dog and full of energy. I'm able to give her a life where she can expend that energy as much as she wants. There's plenty of nature around here for a big dog like her.

The picture of her above is a little blurry because she is always moving, except when she's sleeping. I probably won't mention her most of the time in my future posts, but she'll be there anyway. Introducing her is mostly just my way of getting back online. It'll be a little slow starting out, but I'm hoping to begin posting again now.
My posts before gave the illusion of being far out in the wilderness, and it was never a secret that it was just an illusion. I tried to show that even close to a city we can all find nature. Now I'll be able to show you what it's like from a very different view.

I live in a very small town right now. Nature is right out my back door. I live at the end of the road. There is a huge ravine on the edge of the property. It has a creek running through it at the bottom. Beyond that is a huge corn field. There is more nature here than I can explore in a lifetime, including several nature and hiking parks.

I now hope to come back here to the world of blogging more and more as life returns to normal for me. Things have changed a lot for me, and I hope these changes make me better. I'm much lonelier now than I've ever been, but Isabella is here to help with that. And I hope getting back into blogging will help with that too.

This post is dedicated to my dad. I've always proudly described him as a cross between Crocodile Dundee and Yosemite Sam. I miss him more than he ever would have known.


  1. Ratty, my condolences to the lost of your father. At time like this, different emotion must not be easy to endure.

    Glad that you're back online, and nice to meet Isabella! She has my favorite name for a girl..

  2. Nice to see you back Ratty. Isabella looks nice. She will be great company. Looks like life will be changing for you both.
    My condolences on the death of your Father.

  3. Hi Ratty. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Hopefully Isabella will do a good job in keeping you from feeling too lonely. I look forward to seeing your new nature soon :)

  4. Something you will notice in yourself now is how similar you may be to your father. It may be the way you laugh, tell a story, or make a decision.Simple ways to still feel his presence in your life. The dog is a good soother.

  5. It is so nice to hear from you again.

    A dog is always a good friend of us. I am going to feel her presence in your lines of stories.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. It's good that you have a companion like Isabella. I'm sure you'll be good for on another. Looking forward to future your future adventures as reported here on your blog.

  7. My condolences on the loss of your DAd.I know it is tough to lose a parent.For a guy it's tough to lose his Dad for a Gal it's tough lose her Mom. I took it really bad when My Dad Died,one of my sister really took it hard when our Mom passed away.

  8. Oh Ratty, I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like maybe your father was the one who inspired your love of nature.
    Isabella looks like a fine companion and I'm sure that she will bring you much joy

  9. Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm hoping to show up in all of your comments sections soon too. I really miss writing and commenting.

  10. Ratty, Your Dad must be smiling down on you and your dear Isabella. He taught you well. Hugs.

  11. I'm sorry for the loss of your father! I will look forward to your return to blogging when the time is right for you.

  12. I'm so sorry about your dad. I know you'll come back to the blog when it is time for you.

  13. Isabella's beautiful, sorry to hear about your dad. (((HUGS)))

  14. I am so sorry that you have lost your dad from your earth life but he is always there with you in spirit. I'm so glad you have Isabella to keep you company. If where you are right now is out there near more nature then I'd stay there. Think of all the pics you can get. Something good always will come out of somehting sad. I was wondering where you've been. Isabella has nice eyes and she will take care of you as much as you will take care of her. Looking forward to your posts Ratty. Take care my friend.

  15. my condolences to your loss Ratty, I am sorry to hear about your dad's passing away, I can feel the sadness in your post, but I am happy for you also that you have found Isabella. May you two have many enjoying nature hikes.

  16. Ratty- it is so good to hear from you again, and to welcome Isabella to your rambles.

    Even though my mom and I were never close, when she passed I also felt great loneliness, because there was no one left from that generation anymore.

    I know that you will work on the healing process, and we'll all enjoy whatever you find on your hikes.

    I've missed you.

  17. I'm very sorry that you lost your Dad, Ratty. The feeling of loneliness will pass with time. In the meantime you have chosen the very best way to cope with your sadness, a dog pal.

    And what a grand dog indeed! I can see her spirit in your photographs. She might be a handful at first but with time she'll adjust to your ways, and how lucky that she got hooked up with an outdoors person like yourself. You will become a team. A team of happiness and adventures, everyday!

  18. Oh, Ratty, you have been through so many changes! Too many, I'm sure. And they are some really dramatic changes.

    I think you need to take your time in sorting things out. Don't be quick to make decisions regarding your future--things will sort out in time.

    I'm glad you have a new dog friend. And while you say you won't post much about her, I think you will. Our animal friends have the uncanny knack of creeping into our blog posts because they are such a big part of our lives. I'm glad you have her--I'm sure she is going to bring you much joy.

    I'm sorry to hear that you lost your dad and that you miss him so much. I'm sending love and hugs to let you know that you are NOT alone. We are all just a click away, my friend. :)

  19. Oh, Ratty, I've been so caught up in packing and preparing for my long visit to India, I'm just now finding out that your father died. I cannot even begin to say how sorry I am. I know that it meant so much to him to have you there at the end of his life. I am sure it was a big decision for you to move from Michigan but I trust you don't regret that, either.

    I am so glad you have Isabella. She will be good company for you. I wish your physical health had improved after that accident. You have to take good care of yourself. I know we are all so glad to see you back online, though, but do only what you can.
