
Monday, June 20, 2011

Just Me And The Mosquitoes

Sometimes I like to be completely alone on my short hiking trips. That means that I don't want company, and I don't even like the idea of other people anywhere on the trails that I'm visiting. I'm not being mean, I just want to be alone sometimes. But how can I do that?

There is one way to do it. My most recent adventure took place at 6:00 in the morning. I went out right before the Sun came up. It's a little dark out there, but I can just about be sure that nobody else is out there. Most others don't begin showing up until about 10:00 o'clock.

There are other times when I go out and it's kind of fun to have people warmly greet me when we pass at the nature parks. People are more polite and happy at these places. But I've felt the need to be alone recently. It's kind of strange, but I can sometimes sense when another person is in a park while I'm there, even before I see or hear them. I always wonder if others can do this.

I told you a couple of posts ago that I have a big new story coming up on my Rat Tales blog. Today is the day! The story is called "A Haunted Soul." It will come in 9 episodes, with each one coming every two weeks. I keep them short. The first one is called "Waiting For Heaven", and it's up right now.

This tale is a ghost story, but it's a very different kind of ghost story. There are so many legends and stories where people see ghosts. But what might the ghost be thinking? "A Haunted Soul" follows one particular ghost to find out his thoughts and feelings. This is not exactly a horror story, but it is a dark tale.

I guess my need to be alone would be like living as a ghost sometimes. I sometimes wonder what it might be like to be invisible to everyone, or to exist completely alone. That's why I was out so early in the morning. it's a relaxing experience, but only for short periods of time.

I was out here at the park all by myself with no sign of any other people. It was just me and the mosquitoes. This park is full of those little vampires, especially in the swampy areas. The mosquitoes can get so big there that their bites hurt. I had to walk fast to avoid them. But I still had a good time.

Itt seems kind of strange that not many animals come out that early. There were only a few birds. I found evidence of a coyote or other predator. A hideous piece of a dead rodent made that clear. When morning gets a little later I would never find a thing like that. I quickly moved on from that depressing sight.

I remember preparing myself to pass back through the heavy mosquito area. I began walking faster and faster. I still gave myself time for pictures, but the bites would come every time. I had a good relaxing time so early, but I was glad to be back in my truck.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature! ...And unicorns!


  1. Awesome pictures. I too want to be alone at times.

  2. The very early in the morning is the best time to be alone.

    But we are not actually alone.

    There are many others, except human, to be with us.

    I start to talk to trees, mushrooms, etc.

  3. Loved the photos..
    I enjoy being alone in the early mornings. Great time to think and plan.

  4. Itch itch, these blasted bites can drive a man crazy as welll as the comments not working for me.Out in the boonies doing research.

  5. I must be weird because I like being alone all the time. Life pushes us to be with others but inside it was always my wish to be alone. Even as a kid. Kind of hard when you are the oldest of 11 kids. Ha! I'd lock myself in my room and read books a lot. I like your early morning photos and the way the fog or mist is over the area. Too bad you had to encounter those darn mosquitoes though. Take care Ratty.

  6. I can understand the need for solitude sometimes Ratty.

  7. Very pretty reflections of the trees, Ratty. Once, years ago, I stayed overnight at the International Hotel on the Argentinian side of the massive Iguazu Falls. I got up at daybreak and went to walk where I had been among throngs of people the day before. The roar of the falls was deafening and there wasn't another soul about, just toucans and macaws in the trees ( maybe snakes in the jungle but I didn't see them ). I didn't go out on some of the walkways over the falls - they were not really sturdy, or built to our standards - I had done it the day before but I thought, "Good grief, if I should fall over, no one will ever know." I'd never felt so solitary or insignificant in my life.

    I read an article, not long ago, that spraying with Listerine
    ( the yellow kind ) is a good mosquito repellant. I'm going to try it sometime. I hate using Off and some of the other suff.

  8. I don't blame you for wanting to be alone out there. After all isn't that the point in going in the first place?

  9. Morning can be very pretty. I'm glad you can enjoy it. I have a hard time working through the morning headache.

  10. I love getting up early on the weekends and just sitting on the patio with my coffee--alone. I like the quiet of nature.

  11. I also like to hike alone and am fortunate here that I very seldom meet anyone else on the trails.

  12. We are urban-dwelling night owls here - our alone time happens late at night, after everyone else is asleep. But your option - early morning nature walks - sound intriguing too. Of course, getting my human up early enough for that is another story altogether... maybe even a horror story!

  13. Oh, I do need my alone time too! Such bliss! Your second photo is simply lovely, Ratty! So calming. :)

  14. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be alone sometimes, I think we all crave that. There are times I don't want to share a favorite nature spot with others. Mornings are a great time for solitude.

  15. Those moments of solitude are good for the soul.

    Someone needed to let the mosquitoes know you wanted to be alone! LOL

  16. That's a good thing when your only company is Mosquitoes. Six AM is a wonderful time to hike in any regard. That's when a lot of animals travel so you have a great chance of encountering wildlife.

  17. it really pays to get out early to enjoy the benefits you have shared, you not only enjoyed your time alone in nature, but you also brought home with you wonderful pictures.

  18. I love to be out early in the morning just as the birds are waking...and it's even better when there is a mist to give you the total solitude....I also love sunset....just as the sun is starting to disappear a tremendous hush comes over the world which gives me a huge sense of peacefulness.
