
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Early Bird

I liked being out early so much the other morning that i did it again. It doesn't show up very well in my pictures because the camera makes adjustments, but it was still half dark out here. Everything was covered in a layer of mist that made everything seem mysteriously fun.

And I wasn't the only early bird out there. This American robin got her worm just like early birds are supposed to do. I followed her around as she proudly displayed her prize to the world. Maybe she thought I was trying to steal it because she kept a very close eye on me the whole time I was there.

I actually wondered why she stayed so near watching me. She moved to three different places while I was near, and never went far. I finally left her there when it was time for me to go. This series of black fences you see are there to surround the dam and to direct people where they can walk in safety.

There she is with her worm still in her beak. You can see that the railing for this walkway looks a little wet. that's the residue of Moon mist that is covering everything out here. You can even kind of see it in the air here in the background.

Oh, I almost forgot to say, this post was intended for yesterday. I had the idea to write it, but then I got wrapped up in reading other blogs so much that I completely forgot. I checked today to see if it came up okay, but then found nothing. That's when it all came flooding back to me that I didn't even write it. It was a strange feeling.

And another thing.  I temporarily altered the commenting forms on my blogs because of the problems that Blogger has been having. I know some of you have had trouble, so this should fix it. The last time Blogger had problems like this it was because they were secretly making a few major upgrades. Hopefully this will become something as good as last time.

Now back up to the top of the guard fence for the dam. the robin was still watching me. It was here that I decided it was time to see some other early morning sights. I just wish I knew what she was protecting. It would normally be babies, but I would think they would be up in a tree somewhere.

I keep calling her she, but this bird might really be a male. It's kind of hard to tell unless you see them together. They look the same, except the females coloring is a bit duller, and with more white on the underbelly. A male's head is also darker than a female's. Which one would you guess?

So now we come to the end. I wonder what I might find next in between rain storms. Maybe it'll be some sort of stinkasaurus or a snoot jiggler or maybe just a common forest goat. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. The robin would like to offer you the worm.

    You have never responded.

  2. The pictures are still great, Ratty. I can see them clearly.

  3. Hmmm the comment looks like I am in today.I get up when i wake and go to bed when sleepy. I rarely sleep past 7, I like that early part of a day.

  4. Love that Robin holding the worm. All the outside birds wake me up at 5:30 these days. I usually get up at 6:30. By then the other critters are waiting for me. It's been real wet and rainy here. Very humid. I don't like it. Have a nice day Ratty!! And be careful out there all by yourself.

  5. The robin is waiting for you to move on. She wants to be sure you cannot see where her nest is.

  6. Nice companion for a morning. I think this is a male, but ... who can tell, really.

  7. Did the robin invite you to join him for breakfast?

  8. Oh my, wonderful capture, Ratty! So clear! Lovely breakfast -yum! :)

  9. Fun shots Ratty. My guess would be this is a male. It's usually the males I see bragging whenever they catch something. The females just go about their business.

    Thanks for the pop-up comments box. I haven't had problems but this kind is my favorite.

  10. The robin was waiting for you to open your mouth! LOL

  11. It's a good morning when you have a companion that pretty!

  12. I think that Don't Unplug Your Hub is right - the worm was meant for her babies, but she was waiting for you to leave because she didn't want to reveal her nest. Maybe my inner feral cat gets that.

  13. I am sure that robin didn't want you to see the secret nest so he was just waiting patiently for you to leave. That's a great shot of him/her with the yummy worm in its beak!

  14. It was worth getting out there early to get these neat captures!
    I agree there must have been a nest with nestlings nearby and she/he didn't want a Rat to follow.:)

  15. This looks very similar to our British Robins...ours are very friendly birds who keep you company whilst your gardening as ti gives them easy pickings as you turn over the earth!!

    Just been playing catch up after a few busy weeks and it's lovely to see all your posts and as usual I have enjoyed reading them all.

  16. The Rainfield61 advised...
    Very interesting blog...

  17. She was posing for you, Ratty. Nice to see you out and about again. These are truly special shots.

  18. Early, you, and a Robin with a worm! That is so funny, and so poetic. There is nothing, nothing, nothing like the natural world when it wakes up, is there?

  19. i love the backdrop of colors as the robin proudly shows his/her trophy to the world :) beautiful capture.
