
Friday, June 17, 2011

Something Bugging Me

The bug you see in my pictures today is a Six-spotted Tiger Beetle. I found this little friend of mine on the trail in front of me. It's a pretty big bug. It was about 1/2 inch (12mm) long. I don't usually get a chance to take pictures of bugs because I'm not looking for them, so I don't know why I even looked down.

This little tiger beetle just stopped on the trail in front of me and sat there. Why? Maybe he wanted to be famous. He saw the rat suit coming from pretty far away. On a side note. What would you think if you found out I really do creep around in the forest in a white rat suit? Here's a clue: I've never been on the local TV news... maybe.

The real reason I was looking at the ground is because this time of year these trails are full of tiny little toads that are the same size as this bug. Some are a lot smaller. There are usually so many that I have to watch my step. Splat!

So much for the toads. This little bug was lucky he didn't meet that fate. I remember the last time I stepped on one of those toads. I felt horribly guilty for the next two weeks! I still have to constantly remind myself that wild animals die sometimes, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Another thing I have to watch these trails for are snakes. If I'm out in the mid-morning, there might be a few snakes out sunning themselves right in the middle of the trail. I've almost stepped on a few of those as well. That's not a fun thought.

I think that's enough for today. I think I need to get out more. I don't have enough to post about every day right now. Maybe I'll get lucky one of these times and spot a Bigfoot or something. Ooh, or a lake monster! That might be fun. How 'bout a ghost squirrel. Or maybe a...

Nature Center Magazine - Bring out the charge of the love brigade. There is spring in the air once again... - Queen


  1. The color on this bug is amazing! Toads and snakes on the trail would make me shy away from discovering. I'm glad you still out and take pictures..

  2. We have those tiny baby toads here in central Maryland, too. Some years there are a lot, like you describe, and some not so many... or maybe we just aren't walking the stream trail on the right day(s). When I first saw them, I thought they were spiders. They have a particular way of moving that distinguishes them from insects. I've managed to pick one up a couple of times. They are so cute! I usually only see one size (really tiny)--they never seem to get any larger. I presume they have just grown legs and left the adjacent stream, and are headed up to the forest. Are they American Toads (Bufo americanus)?

  3. Stepping on a snake is really not a good experience.

    I am lucky not to have one.

  4. Lovely little guy, i shoot a lot always wanting to share with MObugs.
    Steve OOTP

  5. GORGEOUS coloring. Love that little guy.
    I remember trying to drive home on a rainy evening, and the road was covered in toads! I still feel awful 15 years later.

  6. glad you looked down and stumbled upon that bug, it's pretty.

  7. Ooh that bug has a lovely colored. Eye-candy! Glad to see you out enjoying, Ratty! Happy weekend! :)

  8. I love those metallic tiger beetles. I swallowed one whole in HS... was riding my bike- mouth open- one went right in and down the hatch!

  9. Aw, he is a very handsome fellow. I love the really bright colored bugs. I don't see lot of snakes here but this time of the year I stay on the paths since rattlesnakes are common. I just don't want to surprise one.

  10. I wish my human was as careful stepping around the kitchen as you are stepping around the forest, Ratty! You have no idea how many times she has stepped on my roommate Binga's foot!

  11. It looks like he has a strong suit of glowing armor on as if to say "Hello, I'm down here, watch your step!" I don't think I will be able to venture far knowing their are small toads and snakes out there.

  12. Gorgeous photo!
    I nearly stepped on a snake just the other day, on my way home from work. It was a garter snake, apparently warming itself on the sidewalk until I came tromping up. Snakes move so quickly, I gave a little involuntary gasp even tho I'm not scared of snakes. Still, it felt like an ancient response to that sudden slithering nearly underfoot...

  13. What amazing color! Isn't it fascinating how nature can hold such beauty in small places and things that are barely noticeable? That you found this shows your perception and great interest in nature. Thank you!

  14. What a pretty bug!
    I would freak-out if I met you in a white rat suit on a hiking trail.LOL!

  15. I'm not a fan of insects...but I have to agree with the others, that beetle was given a beautiful color by the Creator. But I don't understand the name, Tiger Beetle. Seems like it would be orange with black stripes. Oh, well.

    I would not like to step on a snake. Once when I was with a friend fishing on a Louisiana bayou, a water moccasin dropped into our boat. I almost jumped out - but he quietly took his oar and tossed it into the water. I am not a fan of snakes, either.

  16. That is an amazing picture of a wonderfully psychedelic nephew loved it!!
