
Friday, May 27, 2011

The Greedy Little Squirrel

I'm going to tell you a story of one lone little animal and a bunch of big noisy geese. It all began at the beginning of the nature trail at a place called Berry Lake. About a half dozen geese were milling around a small furry animal for some strange reason.

The geese would take turns honking at the poor little creature. Each one would move in close, then the little furry critter would let out a squeal and the goose would move away. The geese all looked at the little animal with great envy, but the poor little creature held its ground. I wondered what the fuss was all about, so I moved in for a closer look.

And there I found a lone little squirrel hovering over what looked like a mound of cornbread. Some naughty human decided to feed these animals, and they were now fighting over their delicious prize. I didn't think this poor little squirrel had a chance at defending itself against the villainous geese. But the sweet little squirrel had a secret.

Only the little squirrel knew it, but the dainty little squirrel was really half greedy pig. Oink!

The geese only wanted their share of the yummy cornbread. But the greedy little squirrel was hording it, and he just wouldn't share.

When the big scary human in the rat suit moved in closer the sweet little piggish squirrel leaped to his feet! The squirrel would defend his food against anything or anyone. The human was at least smart enough to keep a little bit of distance because the kind little squirrel was acting very mean and aggressive now.

But even though the squirrel was determined to steal all of the cornbread for himself, he knew when he was defeated. All of those geese, and now a rat suited human were all too much to defend his prize against. So the cute little squirrel grabbed up as much of his prize as he could and prepared to run.

Before he left, the courageous little squirrel looked up at the evil human so he could smile in triumph, but his mouth was just too full of cornbread to pull off this feat. So the sweet little squirrel gathered as much of his dignity as he could muster and he fled into the trees.

The End

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. He loves his cornbread! I think it's time for him to give up some food for the geese. He looks daring in the last photo, Ratty.

  2. It looks like there is a giant and furry caterpillar perching on the back of the squirrel.

    Though we call this as a tail.

  3. what a great post! i love that last picture! Also, the colours in the first pic look lovely.
    (I'm lucy from DSLR images by the way, but need to post annonomously because blogger is giving me jip on logging in and posting comments!)

  4. That last pic was a sign of defiance. I have a similar pose in my last post from the one who bit me.

  5. Never would have guessed that the squirrel could hold his/her own against Canada geese! One tough hombre!

  6. He was brave against the geese, but no little furry dude wants to face down a human, rat suit or not. :) Great pictures!

  7. Marvellous pictures. I don't know how you do it Ratty.

  8. haha, the squirrel looks so cute with those bread and he looked like he is hungry for more :)

  9. That's one tough squirrel. I'm thinking nobody better lay a finger on his lunch :)

  10. That was a funny story and I much enjoyed it. Squirrels seem to have quite a personality and behave in most unusual ways. Great shots, too! :)

  11. Aw, he is a cutie. At least our little squirrel friends are poop machines like the Canada geese.

  12. This post made me laugh out loud..loved it, Ratty!

  13. In that picture where the squirrel has its tail over its back I thought it was trying to disguise itself as a porcupine!

  14. That little squirrel was kind of mean and scary! Talk about food aggressive, MOL!!!

  15. The pictures are fabulous and your narrative cracks me up. I got a kick out of rainfield's comment.
