
Monday, May 30, 2011

After The Rain

It's been raining here almost nonstop for the entire week. I said almost. It actually did stop a few times for very short times. One of those times I hurried over to the nature park because I knew what would be there waiting for me. The animals.

right after a rainstorm is the best time to see wild animals. This is when they come out to either travel or enjoy the sunny weather. And so as soon as I got to the nature park there was this white-tailed deer walking right at the tree line. I was only a little surprised.

I knew there would be animals, but I didn't know there would be a deer. And I didn't know he, yes it's a he, would be there right as I got out of my truck. I was able to use all of my techniques for getting close to a wild animal to get very close and to follow him for quite some distance. I got a total of 108 pictures of him, but I'll share these three.

Just to change the subject for a few sentences, I got my memory test back from the neurologist, and it's not too good. As I expected, the test shows that my memory is terrible now. there were other parts of the test that had to do with dexterity and some other brain things. I did fine on those, but not the memory part.

While that is bad, at least I now know that I haven't been imagining my messed up memory and headaches. Now I just need to find out if anything can be done about it or if I'm stuck this way. I still have trouble remembering things from one day to the next. Oh well. Back to the deer!

As you can see by the last picture, I was able to get pretty close to this guy. He only decided he was done with me when I got bored as well. Most of the time I can get the animals to be as curious of me as I am of them. I've had deer walk right up to me. One once even came to me for protection against two women who were watching it.

But see how the tail of the deer is up in the last picture? That's what deer do when they are getting ready to run. He didn't think I was so cool anymore. I stepped out in the open a little too much and let my body language become a little aggressive, and he didn't like that. He quickly ran into the forest.

I later heard him rummaging around in another part of the forest. But I haven't seen him since. It was a good day.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Sorry to hear about your memory, but I'm pleased you did well on the other parts.

    It's been raining on and off here for about a week. Not continuous, but enough to prevent me from working in the garden :-(

    Fantastic pictures of the deer. I don't think my camera battery would last for 108 pics!

  2. Sorry about the memory loss Ratty. Glad you can get out and about still. Your photos will remind you of things I'm sure. No way would a deer let me get anywhere near.
    No rain to speak of for over a month. They are constantly spraying the potato field next to my plot. Soon the reservoir will be empty. Not good for the wildlife.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about the test results, but sometimes knowing you are right and have real symptoms is a comfort.

  4. Vitamin E is what many use, look up some studies. give it a try, at least you are healthy.

    Steve OOTP

  5. But you at least remember us, remember that your have a blog or two, remember that nature is so beautiful.

  6. Gorgeous doe. Great captures! Take care!

  7. Great photos Ratty! Hope your future tests get better. I hope you never forget your way to this wonderful nature park!! Have a nice Memorial Day!

  8. sorry to hear about the test results on your memory. I hope there is something they can do to help improve it.
    We had that week long rain a week or so ago and now it's been gorgeous. hot and sunny.
    Love the pictures of the deer

  9. Bummer about the memory. Hope that improves. I had a very bold deer in my yard this morning. Acted male, but I think it was a doe.

  10. beautiful pictures, great you went out right after the rain, hope your memory continues to get better

  11. 108 photos before the deer got tired of you is pretty darn good!

  12. He is a gorgeous one for sure! I like the last picture with the tail up! Today is the first day without rain..

  13. What a magnificent deer!

    Wishing you the best with your memory problems, I have a feeling everything will return to normal but it will take time.

  14. Very nice pictures. I love getting close to nature like that. I hope that there are some quick and solutions to your memory issue. Like taking an herbal supplement or doing mine strengthening exercises. Have a great week.

  15. I like your blog because it's about the nature and happy things in life... :)

  16. I'm sorry about the memory thing! Is this a result of the accident? Or is it aging? I definitely am seeing a change in my memory as I get older. Am not sure if I can improve my ability to recall things but, many of the articles I read, seem to feel that it is possible.

    If keeping one's mind stimualted is part of the trick, as I've read, than we should have good memories, Ratty. Seems to me we stay busy and try to keep learning!

    Wonderful deer pictures!
