
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Great Blue

I knew I was going to find this great blue heron even before I actually did. I don't know how I knew. I just sensed that it was going to be there. I began looking for this big bird as soon as I could see the lake through the trees. And I was a little disappointed that I didn't see it right away.

but then as soon as I walked down to the fishing platform I looked to my right and there it was on a little island where most of the birds like to visit. I never thought for a second that I wouldn't see it somewhere. I just wasn't sure where it was that I would find it.

I've had this kind of odd premonition happen to me several times before. And I'm sure most of you have had this kind of thing happen to you as well. I wonder if this is a real hidden sense that we all have that surfaces from time to time, or if it is just a sort of coincidence that we remember because it seemed remarkable at the time.

It's something I wonder about every time it happens. Maybe in this particular instance it is because I'm getting better at knowing what to expect from some aspects of my local areas of nature. I do know I'm very far from an expert on nature though. I'm just an explorer and mini adventurer. But I have learned so much over the past several years.

But I would rather believe that this bird was waiting for me all along. Maybe it knew I was coming. Did it have the same premonition as I did? Did it know I would quietly observe it? Did it even know that I was there at all? Sometimes I wish I knew the answers to all of those questions, but I think knowing would take all of the fun away.

What do you think? Premonition or coincidence? I'm not sure of the answer to this last question either. It's just fun to wonder sometimes.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Your part of town has so many different wildlife, and interesting things to see, Ratty! I should move there :-)

  2. Hard to really sneek on these birds. I kayak through a rookery every year.If you go to blogger they have a fix it for comments.STEVE

  3. Ratty--it is BEAUTIFUL, isn't it? I'm so glad you saw it so close.

    We had one of these in our POND the other morning!! We have such a small yard (and pond), so I'm surprised it could land in such tight space. Joe saw it take off and he said the wing span was over 6 feet! EEEK! And as lovely as they are--I don't want them eating my fish or frogs. No herons welcome here, sad to say.

  4. I believe in Premonition plus the bird (wildlife) wishing to be viewed and admired.
    Great Blue Herons are neat birds to see. They do scare pretty easily so hats-off to your captures!

  5. it's beautiful, i love watching herons too, and they have that expression showing depth in character which is nice to photograph. i share your observation, in some places i explore too, it seems that i have my own expectations :) lovely photos

  6. I think it takes a special kind of mood (very relaxed state of being) for the wildlife to come play with someone. Yesterday morning I had two adult sandhill cranes walking across the road. They looked like royalties and I had to stop the car to let them have their way. I've never seen them in this area before... :)

  7. How about that it's a deep understanding and respect between you and the wildlife in your area. They have come to know you, understand your intentions :)

  8. I think you are developing an internal sense of what kinds of animals like which kinds of spots at which times!

  9. It is almost as though you commune with nature and you are pretty aware of the creatures that inhabit your area. These are wonderful pictures. What an elegant looking bird!

  10. I love the idea of each sharing a premonition of the other! Lovely!
