
Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Advantage Of Silence

I went to an old favorite nature park to be a little bit more by myself. I thought after a little while that I had maybe picked the wrong time. When I got to the creek two people came noisily up from behind me. This isn't a short walk, and I wondered why they would spoil it by making so much noise.

There are so many things to see for a person who remains silent. I waited about five minutes after the people passed me by, then I continued my slow journey. After about a quarter mile I heard some sounds in the forest to my left. I turned to see four white-tailed deer peering through the brush at me.

The deer were trying to be quiet too, but I was even quieter than them. My silence helped me discover this family of deer. I was able to get a look and a few pictures before they decided to get away from the trail. I am always quiet while out in the forest. It gives me an advantage over everyone else.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Silence makes so much more life come to the forefront...I love to be out and about so quiet to be able to see so much more of the wildlife, this is a lovely photo of the deer!!

  2. The other group may have passed them and maybe didn't see them.Silence is golden to see more around you.Steve

  3. What a nice scene to come across.

  4. Awww. How pretty. I just love to see the deer. Mine come once in a while and I'm thrilled but then they seem to disappear again.

  5. the lighting in this photo is very impressive. it is always a pleasant surprise when we see wild animals in their natural setting.

  6. Silence helps you to discover more surprises.

  7. I certainly agree about the value of being silent. There is another value, in moving slowly, and that one gets easier every year.

  8. When I'm out walking all I want to hear are the sounds of nature. Those noisy humans will never know, or understand, what they missed. Very cool photo Ratty.

  9. I think you are probably looking for something a little more different and special than most of the other humans who visit nature parks.

  10. I tried so many times to post last night, Ratty, but Blogger and I seem to be at loggerheads. I am using my name to post tonight! I just love this photo!!! The deer seem to be keeping a close eye on you!

  11. The deers are adorable looking behind those trees! There are people who love to hear themselves more than anything else.

  12. Yes, being quiet and moving slowly really helps if you want good nature shots!
    Good ones!

  13. They were certainly checking you out!
