
Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Forest Cardinal

This seems to be the season for cardinals for me. Maybe they just like me or something. I've seen so many cardinals in the last two months that I can't share them all with you. this one was a little bit special though, so here it is.

I was walking along the trail towards the back of the park when two birds flew in front of me lower than usual. It reminded me of the whole incident with two woodpeckers I told you about a few weeks ago. The woodpeckers were fighting, but I don't think that was the case with the cardinals.

I really only got these pictures of the male cardinal, but the female was there too. She hid on the other side of the tree. What I have always found interesting about these birds is that the male is so recognizable in his scarlet red suit, but the female is a grayish brown color.

It seems that most males in the world of birds and mammals are considered to be the prettier ones compared to the females. Male peacocks for instance. Or male lions with their big mane of hair. But what about humans? Do they buck that trend? I'm not so sure.

Most male mammals are marked by a bigger body with more hair, and some have a sort of distinctive decoration, like a bull's horns. But what about humans? We don't consider males to be the pretty ones. But I wonder what other animals think. Maybe we all have it backwards. Maybe human women trying to make themselves pretty is all for nothing, never coming close to the beauty of men. We men have the ability to grow a beard for decoration. Do women? (Go ahead and think up a few evil jokes now.)

Or maybe it's the other animals that we are wrong about. Most females of any species are finer boned than males. Humans consider that to be a sign of delicate feminine beauty. I'd bet that other animals feel the same about females of their species. We see the male decoration of other species as beautiful, but maybe they see those decorations as big and obnoxious. Exactly as we think of male humans.

So think about this when you see a beautiful cardinal or a peacock. Maybe the female of their species has the real beauty. Maybe it's the male. Or maybe they are each special in their own way. Think about all of this for awhile. Compare human and animal traits. This kind of thing really made me wonder about our perception of beauty.

What do you think of all of this? Does this change your opinion about what beauty really is? Because I am male, I still consider females to be the more beautiful humans. But now when I apply those traits to other animals my perception has changed a bit. I now see the beauty of a female bird that I used to think only had a dull brown color.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. All life is beautiful in its different ways. I think I like women without make-up best. I have got one tattoo. I suppose I thought it added to my looks. Great photo's Ratty. Especially the first one where he is looking right at you. Wonder what he's thinking?

  2. I've seen many cardinal around here too, but couldn't take beautiful pictures like yours. Inner beauty is what I value more..

  3. I think the female Cardinals are just as pretty with their orange, brown and red coloring. Male cardinals chase off the other males during mating season. I see them almost fighting at times but never actually into a fight. During the winter the males and females are all together though. Beautiful photos Ratty!!

  4. That is a very interesting point of view. I had never thought of it that way. I like the way you think Ratty

  5. I think we kitties have it right - there is really not that much difference between the way males and females look - it's all in the smell!

  6. Both sexes.. of all species.. have their own beauty :)

  7. Perhaps the male of all species are more recognizable for another reason. Maybe he is the one to draw predators away from nesting or nurturing females and their young. The females are less decorated so they will not be noticed and can do what they need to do to propagate their kind.

  8. i think the cardinals like you that is why it is easy for you to take them pictures. i think for beauty, what is more beautiful is within. for animals though, it depends, somehow, if lions, i think the male is very beautiful. though actually, mostly, i find male animals more beautiful since they look stronger, maybe that is just my impression because I am female.

  9. Everyone is so special. We are beautiful.

  10. Lucky you! I have a hard time finding any to photograph...they don't come to my yard/feeder is a rare occasion!! I get so excited when I see one!

  11. interesting! but maybe the males were given flamboyant feathers and hair to make up for the beauty within? {:-D
