
Monday, May 23, 2011

Covered Bridge

I got to do something I've never done before! I got to walk across this covered bridge! To some of you that may not seem to be much, but this is the first time I ever got to do this. I love bridges of all kinds, and I've long admired covered bridges, so this is a huge treat for me.

And that's not all. This bridge is at a new nature park I recently discovered! It's a small place that isn't as close to home as some of my others, but I've recently found myself passing by this place very frequently. I was just lucky enough to see the sign for the place the first time.

Then when I stopped here for the first time I saw this bridge in the distance! I was in heaven! I actually have several more pictures than I'm showing here because I took pictures at every step of the way. After all, this wasa huge event for me.

I came to the foot of the bridge and stopped to take it all in and savor the experience. There were birds all around, especially geese, but this bridge was taking almost all of my attention. For once, wildlife had to take a backseat to another interest. 

I took my first steps onto the wooden planks.

There were small birds flying around everywhere. They appeared to be barn swallows. I knew I had to be cautious with these birds because I know from personal experience that they aggressively protect their nests. And the bridge had a number of nests up in the rafters.

I got no pictures of the birds because they were flying around rapidly, and my interest was still exclusively in this bridge. I took the time to get pictures of the nests though. The wood of the bridge seems relatively new in here. Maybe this bridge isn't as old as I initially thought. That's fine with me.

I moved a few feet away from where the nests were to take some pictures of the inside of the bridge. This was an experience that I wanted to remember. Do you realize how much your daily worries seem to melt away when you are in the middle of an experience that you love? I had not a care in the world while I was standing on this bridge. I'm sitting here now with a smile on my face while I type this.

I walked slowly moving across the bridge until I got to the end. I would say that I regretted stepping off of it, but there were new wonders on the other side! And the feeling of walking the bridge was still surrounding me with a total joy. This is why I do what I do.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. You have found another new place. I do think the critters out there love to see you.

    "Welcome, my friend."

  2. Love covered bridges! It's wonderful to find a new place to explore.

  3. What a wonderful little bridge you have there!! It's so quaint. Seems the birds love it too..ha ha !

  4. the structures look very mysterious, looks like they are hiding great treasures for the mind and heart. beautiful.

  5. I enjoy the bridges also - and the covered ones are special! Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful photos... :)

  6. So I take it you like bridges, Ratty!

  7. I understand completely what you mean Ratty.

  8. sounds like you found a great new place for adventures. I love covered bridges.

  9. a covered bridge is a thing of beauty to enjoy.

  10. I love covered bridges! I'm glad you found a new place to hike. :)

  11. That covered bridge look amazing! I didn't think we have them around here. Thanks for showing it, Ratty!

  12. How wonderful that you found this covered bridge and that were able to enjoy it! Your thrill and excitement are clearly evident in your writing. And that you were able to focus on just this must have been a great relief. Congrats!

  13. That is so cool, I love covered bridges. When I lived in GA there were lots of old ones to explore, here they are rare.
