
Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Welcoming Squirrel

When I came upon this squirrel he seemed so happy to see me. He came running up and quickly began posing for pictures. You can see the big happy smile on his little face. This is how many of the animals greet me when they see me with my camera.

I've been mentioning this for the past few days that the animals come running when they see me. They really do sometimes. I don't even bait them with food or anything like that. Go back and look in my archives to see even more proof of this. Some have even literally climbed up my legs. Those were not little animals like this squirrel either.

Many of you remember those. It was about six friendly raccoons, and I had to run about half a mile to get away from them. They were no danger. I just didn't want them to follow me out near the street, so I ran deep into the park to get away.

Here is the squirrel standing there in a thoughtful pose, gazing out into the forest. He was really taking his job seriously. He must have heard what Flynn the famous squirrel did about a year ago and he wanted to try and duplicate it. But there's no duplicating Flynn. He's one of a kind.

And there he is in a more serious pose. What a ham! Squirrels are the little actors of the forest. These guys will do anything for attention. Unless you're a dog. Woof! They don't like dogs much. I do.

Okay, that's enough of this nonsense for today. I'll be back soon with something amazing. I have pictures of space aliens! Just kidding. But I will be back soon. And I do have pictures of... something.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I like this scene, you are getting their attention well.

  2. They sure are little "hams". Ha! Some squirrels do like posing. I can vouch for that fact!! These are great photos of him Ratty!! I'm glad you finding all your little friends in the woods again. Have a nice weekend! Just be careful.

  3. GREAT shots! We have a groundhog that seems to want to move in...wild animals sometimes aren't!

  4. That is one happy looking squirrel. I bet he's smiling because he's finally seeing you out more. I bet he missed you

  5. Thank you all for your comments. I always appreciate each one very much. I love reading them even more than I do writing the posts.

  6. oh, he is such a happy one, love the lighting in each pic. he is just super cute.

  7. Those are great photos! He really does look as though he knows you well and your descriptions go well with his poses. What a cute fellow he is!

  8. For some reason I thought he was pointing his finger like, "I got you". Great shot!
