
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Touch Of Spring

It's finally coming! One year ago today the trees and bushes were sprouting green all over, but this year things are off to a much slower start. But today I found the beginnings of spring sprouting on a few trees. It's finally here!

I obviously wasted no time getting a few pictures of this green wonder. My terrible camera skills at this particular type of photography gave me only a few good pictures out of many, but at least I got those.

In a week or two the warm weather will finally be here for good, and winter will have released its terrible grip on us all. In a week or two there will be green plants everywhere, and the animals will all be out enjoying themselves. And in a week or two I'll have nothing left to complain about. Yeah right! I'll think of something.

Spring is the season of new life. It's my favorite time of year, and that's the reason why. The sights, the sounds, and the smells. Even the things you can touch feel better. What do you like about spring? What is your favorite reason to like it?

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature! You know you want it! Aahhh!!!


  1. Hi Ratty great post today. I love Spring! I especially love it when all my flowers bloom and the trees go nice and green and have blossom on them. I also love it when all the baby birds start coming to my feeder in the garden. everything just feels better in Springtime- me included!

  2. Yes- I found a couple of trees that are just beginning to pop. Finally!

  3. Hooray for spring. It certainly can lift your spirits when you start spotting the first signs. Glad it's showing up in your neck of the woods.

  4. It is a new cycle again.

    I love spring!

  5. The trees are just starting to show their little buds or leaves here also. Everything wakes up in the spring and new baby critters are starting to be born. Colors are all over the place after such a dreary winter. I love spring because of all the new life.

  6. Spring seems to be arriving late for many of my blogging friends! I like it 'cause Bird TV gets so much better! (Not to mention new episodes of Rat TV!)

  7. Those sure are pretty green sprouts!

  8. Spring and autumn are my favorites. Nature seems to give us its best efforts at these times of the year.
