
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sneaky Black Squirrel

I see many squirrels while I'm out in the forest. This one black squirrel thought it was effectively hiding from me when I took this picture. I actually have about a dozen different pictures similar to this one, but this was the best.

the squirrel didn't realize that while he was hiding from me, I was doing a better job of hiding. There was a smaller tree in between us, and I snuck up behind that one to get my pictures. There happened to be a fork in the branches just high enough to rest my camera. I was free to get as many pictures as I wanted while the squirrel waited there.

So which is a better sneak, a squirrel or a Ratty? Obviously it's me! I won this time, but I don't always win. This time I was better at hiding than the squirrel. That made it a good day. Thank you for the picture little black forest ninja.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. You might be amused at the aggression exhibited by the one who bit me earlier this year when I fill my feeders. It isn't very afraid of the cat or dog at my feet.You are very sneeky. The blacks are only a small population I thought.

  2. Gotta love it when you can outwit the forest ninja :)

  3. Is this a case of closing your eyes and thinking nobody sees you??? I think so. :)

  4. They always think that one tree width is enough for cover. Sometimes it is!

  5. Great shot...wish we had black squirrels here..they are neat looking animals!

  6. I the only one that thought it looked like a little black monkey???

  7. That is one pretty squirrel! I've never seen a black one!

  8. Could be that he was just teasing you, Ratty, and he desperately wanted to be the star of your blog, having heard that it is viewed world wide by adoring fans of your photographic prowess.

  9. No, the squirrel will tell the same in its blog.

  10. Hey Ratty, just been catching up with you after a busy week....I loved the robins, in the Uk it's not so easy to distinguish between the sexes of the Robins even though the other birds all are very different.

    Glad to see the signs of spring are finally reaching you, we are having glorious weather though some are starting to complain about the lack of rain, personally I can't see the problem, there's plenty of water in the rivers and streams and the ground is nice and damp beneath the surface, I guess there is just no pleasing some people.

    I love your pictures of the black squirrel, he is my favoutrite squirrel that you post about, probably because we don't have black squirrels in the UK so the only time I ever see them (and the first time I even heard of them!!) is on your blog!!

  11. wow, you've got another black squirrel, another happy post :)

  12. Aw, a battle of wits! Methinks it was a very close call with The Ratty winning this time. Or maybe the little fellow was making you think you won to throw you off guard for the next round? :)
