
Monday, April 18, 2011

Male And Female Robins

What do we have here? It looks like we have something very good indeed! ...What? You don't believe me? Well let me tell you just what I've discovered! It's a picture of two American robins! ...Huh? You say that you've seen these birds many times before? Well, I agree, but let me explain.

What we really have here are a male and a female robin! Now, it is very difficult to tell the difference between the sexes of robins, but we can do that right here! That is what is so remarkable here. Take a look at the bird on the left. That is the male. Notice that his breast is a deeper red than the one on the right, the female.

A male robin does have more red on the breast than the female, which has a lot of white on the breast. Also notice that the male's head seems a bit darker. The male has more black feathers, especially on the head, than the female. You may also notice that the male, on the left, seems to be puffed up a bit more than the female. So now we know. Male is darker. Female is lighter. Cool, huh?

And this second picture is here for a few reasons. The first is that I've been doing a lot of posts with just one picture. One has been all that has been necessary. So this is to make up for that. Also I wanted to slow you a contrast. I enhanced the color of the first picture. It's much better that way.

Finally, this little robin is another male. He was looking on at the other two happily enjoying their time together. What do you think he was thinking while observing the others? Was he lonely? Was he happy to be away from them? Really, what do you think?

Nature Center Magazine - Nature waits for no one. Catch it while you can.


  1. I think he was looking at what they were finding to eat, perhaps to share good eats.On the other hand he could have been weighing thoughts of what is love.

  2. Isn't it fun when you can see both of them together? I have just had a pair here for the first time this year and will be watching for young ones later on. The males are always prettier. They walk so tall and proud. That other male in your picture is listening for worms probably and if he doesn't have a mate then he will just go on his normal daily routine of finding food for himself. Then he will get to be a big fat lonely Robin..LOL Or maybe a big fat happy Robin that doesn't have to worry about feeding babies..or his mate. Who knows?? I don't. That's for sure. Nice post Ratty!

  3. the pair of robins is really great to look at, it's always a joy to see them and bring surprises our way.

  4. My ex-wife, Julia, was definitely the redder, more puffed-up one in our relationship.

  5. I just love to her robins singing in the early AM usually just about sun up! They start each day with songs that notify other robins that this is their territory. They put out quite a melody and can go on for the longest time. What a great way to begin the day!

  6. I'm pretty sure that the robin in the second picture is looking at the other two waiting and expecting an invitation to dinner.

  7. Don't tell me it was attracted by another male of different species.

  8. Oh, I am sure the second male was trying to figure out a way to scam the female away from the first guy. My human spent a lot of time in rock and roll bars in the 1980s, she has told me about how these things work.

  9. Ha- it's spring. He was thinking about what his chances were of doing physical or psychological battle with the other guy to get the girl!

  10. The little robin is probably hoping he'll eat enough worms to get buff like the bigger one so he can find a wife and have a happy chirping home to share.
