
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hidden Blue Jay

I'm a little late with this one. I promised Friday to reveal to you what was lurking in the trees where the squirrel ran to. This whole confusion is the result of my still injured brain. I still am quite a bit absent minded at times, so you may have noticed that I've been a bit absent these past few days. But I still have the answer to what was lurking in the trees to show you.

Take a look at that blue figure in the center of the picture. It is a blue jay, and the squirrel lead me right to it! The blue jay thought I couldn't see it lurking around in there, but I saw it even more clearly than the camera did. and there was no escape for my new little friend!

He had to hop through the brambles, with no room to fly. It went so slow that I felt he too was trying to lead me somewhere. And when this blue jay finally made it out of the branches, he flew in the same direction that the squirrel had continued to run.

They both crossed the path in front of me in a flash! Was the blue jay trying to get revenge from the squirrel for leading me to him? Was he trying to return the evil favor? Animals can be strange.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. oh, that is a very inspiring story, squirrel led you to blue jay, kind of similar to my experience where the fying brown pelicans led my sight to a hummingbird. Sorry to hear you still feel some lapses from the injury, I don't have injury but sometimes (or a lot of times) I am absent minded too. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. @Betchai
    The whole story of the squirrel and blue jay seemed kind of funny at the time. I felt like the blue jay was leading me either to the squirrel or away from something on purpose.

  3. Perhaps a conspiracy between these two creatures of the forest.

  4. Funny. I always thought humans were rather strange.

  5. That jay usually is an alarm call in the forest, perhaps it lead the squirrel away.

  6. I looked up Blue Jay in my special book. When Blue Jay enters one life (as this did for you)...."It indicates that you are moving into a time where you can begin to develop the innate royalty that is within you or simply be a pretender to the throne. It all depends upon you. The Jay has no qualms. It will teach you either direction." So...maybe you should start wearing a crown!:)

  7. That Blue Jay didn't hide quite good enough. I like the story Jean has about them. I think we should get a picture of the

  8. I need a squirrel in my jungle too.

  9. That's one way to get a picture of a jumpy blue jay- trap it in a cage of branches!

  10. I think every living creatures have their own "part" of strangeness. But like Sparkle said, I've always thought that human are somehow the strangest one.

  11. You had me fooled on this one Ratty. I guessed the next post/photo would be of a fox. You know something dangerous to the squirrel. But a blue jay? Wonder why the squirrel seemed so surprised?
