
Friday, April 15, 2011

Jumpy Squirrel

I found this squirrel peacefully relaxing in the sun. It had no idea that I was there when I began taking my pictures. Even though I only have one of the squirrel standing there, I must have taken ten. It stood. It wandered. It scratched itself inappropriately. It stood some more.

Then it saw me and leaped for its tree! This squirrel was quick as a flash, but my camera was that much quicker! I caught it in mid-air. That's one good thing about being able to stand back and push my finger down on a button. My finger beats the animals at least half the time.

The squirrel only climbed up a few feet on its tree. It obviously didn't want to be on that particular tree. but where did it really want to go? I'm sure I would find out shortly. And so will you.

With  that last thought, the squirrel leaped down from the tree once again and was off like a shot. It ran across the trail, and my camera followed. Think about that one for a moment; a camera chasing a squirrel.

And then the squirrel went airborne once again! It was headed for the forest and a perceived freedom. But really, how much real danger could there be from a guy in a rat suit holding a camera out in the middle of nowhere. Think about that one too.

The squirrel in it's hurry to flee inadvertently revealed something else to me. Something was lurking in the very trees that little squirrel ran into. You'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out just what it was. Will it be something exciting, like a Bigfoot? I doubt it.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Your posts and photos about squirrels are wonderful. It seems as if you have a special relationship with these critters. So special that one might call you "Squirrely" instead of "Ratty"! Oh, I know how it sounds, but those of us who know you realize you are not squirrely at all!

    What IS going to come out of the woods? Can't wait to find out!

  2. The suspense builds and makes one wonder, love or evil in that forest.Maybe evil love. Hmmmmm I may have been there.

  3. And now the squirrels are back, must be the sign of Spring.

  4. great job capturing him, I would have watched then remembered the camera :O(

  5. I never get tired of watching squirrels. I know people consider them pests, but I've often thought of putting up a squirrel feeder just for them. :)

  6. Love this post Ratty. Wonderful pictures!!

  7. This may be your funniest post ever... scratching inappropriately!! hahahahaha

  8. You did a fantastic job keeping the camera on him! That isn't all that easy!

  9. oh, your picture truly brought joy to my day, love it. thanks for sharing happiness in the blogosphere.

  10. Somehow I get the feeling that whatever it is, it is not a kitty who was ready and waiting to jump on the squirrel!

  11. Some excellent shots of the squirrel Ratty...and of course I will be back to find out what was lurking in those trees. It looked like a lovely day for a looks more like late autumn than spring in your pics though...can you see any signs of it yet??

  12. you're pretty quick with that shutter button ratty. Much better than I am. I'm always a half a second too late :)
    I enlarged the picture hoping to get a glimpse of what was hiding in those trees. No such luck, I'll have to wait till tomorrow.

  13. I'm not fond of squirrels! They ate all my daffodil flowers when they were still in buds :-(

    Have a great weekend, Ratty

  14. Be careful where you follow those squirrels Ratty, they could lead you into a trap. LOL! The squirrels in my yard like to lure the kittens high into the trees, then said squirrel leaps to another tree leaving the kitten stranded. It's a great game of cat and squirrel.
