
Friday, April 29, 2011

A Timely Cormorant

This cormorant is back and so am I! The cormorant went away for the winter and is now back for the warm weather and the fish. I was back for the warm weather too, but I got a little tired. I still get exhausted at times, but I didn't quite expect it this time. And I didn't expect it to hit me so hard.

On top of all that, when I began visiting a few other blogs my computer had a massive crash so I had to reinstall everything. I keep my files in a different place, so only the operating system was affected. but that means reinstalling all programs too. A pain. I guess I can think of it as a bit of spring cleaning.

The cormorant is much more fun than all of that. I was a little surprised to see it sitting there so early this year, considering it's still kind of cold. I was glad to see it though. They're so fun to watch. And as long as there are only the two or three I usually see then they won't gobble up all the fish in the lake.

That perch he is sitting on is where these birds have liked to sit for the past three years. They love places like that. The first time I saw them they had a different place closer to the dam, but the stupid park workers pulled it out of the water. They're supposed to be trying to attract wild animals, not chase them away.

Just to change the subject and give everyone something interesting to think about, I was thinking about this late spring we've been having. I've been wondering if it really is as late as we think. Last year it came so much earlier, but so did Easter back then. This year Easter came about half a month later and so did the green and warmth. I checked.

So I've been wondering if it's maybe not the spring that's late, but maybe it's our linear calendar and way of thinking that's early. I think it's something to think about, and maybe it deserves some further investigation. What do you think?

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I do not have much idea about the spring, but I know the weather changes a lot over here.

  2. I know Good Friday was too early last year for planting.I think it all comes fairly close to the same, just disregard those floating holidays.The birds know when it is spring don't they?

  3. what a relationship you have thought, and so yeah, I agree with you, so maybe it is? That cormorant looks very elegant.

  4. The cormorant looks handsome just sitting there in his world.

    Spring seems to come late for me this year, or maybe early since my son already has soccer games 2 week ago :-)

  5. Spring is late and very cool here this year. I've heard that you can tell when cormorants are around by the fishy smell.
    Hope you're feeling better.

  6. I think lunar calendars are goofy, but the cormorant is cool (until you get too many)

  7. I suppose your theory could be a valid one. All I know for sure though is that winter lasts far too long for my liking.

  8. Thank you all for your comments. I'm trying to get caught up with everything.

  9. Our cormorants hang out here all winter. They give me something to watch!

  10. Good luck getting caught up with everything! I hate it when I have computer problems! That's just one more thing to have to deal with!!!

  11. It seems like cormorants are everywhere these days! I think of them as an ocean fish but have been observing them in lakes around here for the last several years. A wonderful bird, and so very beautiful!

  12. Some lovely pictures...I have to say I don't know much about these birds and have never seen one...I don't even know if we have them in the UK?? However I did see a Heron flying over the other day...I always love their distinct flying shape.

    As for spring...well we have had unseasonably warm weather and are now technically in our the heat is nice but unusual....I don't really know the causes although heard mention that with the force of the earthquake in Japan that the earth was knocked on its axis slightly...could this be the cause of the weather change?? If so this could be the season patterns for years to come but I guess only time will tell on that one.

  13. Ratty, The weather is weird. Spring came early for us in the SE but we have had some very bad storms.

    I love your photos of the Cormorant. I have always wanted to see one.

    Wishing you well!

  14. I think, perhaps, it just seems late because it was such a horrible winter and people were so longing for the warmth and sunshine.

    Great picture of the conmorant, Ratty. He seems so content out there, sunbathing!
