
Monday, April 25, 2011

First Flower Of Spring

I found these flowers in the middle of the forest on the side of the footpath. How they got there, I don't know. But they were a very welcome sight. These are the first flowers of spring for me. I don't know what kind they are, and I don't need to. They have brought me such hope for spring now. I now know that spring is truly here.

I saw a few amazing things on this day, but this had to be the first to be shared. Flowers are always beautiful, but this one was the best sign of spring I've had so far this year. I could tell you a lie that I don't know how I saw it, being so tiny there on the side of the path, but it seemed to glow and call to me as I passed by. I could never have missed it.

The Sun seemed to shine down on this flower and reflect itself right back onto my eyes. It felt like a personal message to me to remember to be cheerful because spring is truly here. My favorite time of year is now upon us. It's time for happiness.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Even the tinest of wildflowers are hard to miss at the begining of spring, they stand out against the browns like little jewels. They are beautiful Ratty, it's good to hear spring has arrived in your area.

  2. Beautiful white flowers! We had a good couple of days so far.

  3. I laughed at what I had to offer of my week at a dinner conversation last night. I was updating all on newest birds sighted and flowers seen,to a group of nonassuming twetysomethings.I laughed at what simple pleasure I enjoy while out this time of year.I made it to 3 state parks in three days. You are weeks behind me, that is some of the first bloom, bloodroot.

  4. A lovely flower Ratty...It's always nice to see the first blooms after a long cold winter!

  5. the contrast between the soil and the flower is such an inspiration indeed, beautiful shot, hope spring continues to be good from this time on in your side.

  6. There's nothing like or personal than the first flower of spring. What could be better? Thanks for sharing this Ratty!

  7. Good for you! You guys have had a long and rough winter!
    I'm grateful our Spring is well underway!

  8. No matter what it is it's a beautiful sign that spring has finally sprung.

  9. I saw my first one (except that violet- hardly counts) today too! I know you said you don't care, but it's a bloodroot.

  10. Wonderful little treasure to find :O)

  11. Very pretty flower for the first one of spring!

  12. They are such pretty flowers. We always learn from nature whenever we stop and appreciate its hidden beauties.

  13. Pretty woodland bloom, Ratty. Sure wish I had some of the rich black soil where it is growing in my flower beds.

  14. Those sweet little flowers are, indeed, a beautiful welcome sight after a cold, snowy winter.

  15. Thank you all for your comments. I'll be back to posting soon. I just got a little tired.

  16. Something as beautiful as that can definitely stop you in your tracks. You feel like it screams, "Look at me!" Thanks for sharing.

  17. There is just something about that first flower of spring. :) Mine was a snowdrop this year. I planted them in the fall for that very reason--they just make me smile after a long cold winter.

  18. Oh, Ratty, it is indeed a precious little beacon of joy, there on the ground. You might even have stepped on it so perhaps it was calling out to you so you wouldn't make that mistake. It is so pretty, tiny though it is...perhaps, that is what makes it so special!
