
Monday, May 2, 2011

Bird In The Weeds

At one time I was becoming sure of my bird identification skills, but after my off time of last fall and winter I'm a little rusty. So when I saw this bird I immediately thought I knew what it was only to discover that I was completely wrong.

Right now I'm guessing that this bird is an Eastern Phoebe. Follow that link and see if you can tell the difference. Even if I'm wrong it was still fun chasing this bird through the weeds. Well, it wasn't much of a chase really. It made it easy on me and I got the pictures.

The odd thing was that I had it in my head that this was a black-capped chickadee. They look nothing alike. I knew right away that the color was wrong, but my mind told me that wasn't important. It's always important. Color is one of the main things that help identify a bird. Oh well.

Besides being the place where I share my wandering around adventures, this blog has kind of also become a place where I can share the status of my other two sites Nature Center Magazine and Rat Tales. Each site seems to have mostly different audiences than The Everyday Adventurer.

The problem was that I had my accident just when I was about to get Nature Center Magazine going good. Now I've been finally able to start, but I still have to move slow with it. I can say that I've made plenty of very good changes to that site since those plans started. It was intended to be an online nature center and it is finally becoming exactly that.

Rat Tales has been a completely different challenge. I already knew how to promote nature blogs, but a fiction blog? I've had to learn that one from the ground up. I've put what I consider to be some very good stories there, but with a very small audience who I'm very grateful to. And now I've finally figured out a few ways to promote this site that I've put so much work into. So I think maybe I'm slowly finding my way with those.

Now back here I'm trying to get back to where I was last year, but it's still not going quite as fast as I'd like. I'm getting there with a few bumps in the road, like last week's bit of tiredness. And I'm beginning to be able to get out enough to see some very interesting things, even some that I've never seen before, and some good surprises like this Eastern Phoebe.

You'd think that this is all trying to do too many things at once, but doing these things that I love is the only way to do it. We only have one life as far as I know. Why not do everything we can? And try even more. It's not fun for long if it's too easy.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. You've tried to do the best you can, Ratty, and that counts! You're right, we only have one life to live and you are doing it.

    The bird is very pretty, and I can't identify any..

  2. Keep up the great work, Ratty. And take care :) (this does look like an Eastern phoebe, very pretty)

  3. I've never heard of an Eastern Phoebe but nice capture there. I learned about a new bird.
    You are right on about only having one life, may as well make the most of it.

  4. You are right, but we also have limited time.

  5. I agree with it being a Phoebe. And I'm especially glad that you are finally feeling a lot better.

  6. I agree, Ratty, we only have one life, live it to the fullest! :) I don't think I've seen this bird before. :) Hope things are well! :)

  7. Oh, I love your words, " Why not do everything we can? And try even more. It's not fun for long if it's too easy. "- yes, we only have one life to live so I am with you in doing everything we can that gives us more meaning, and enjoy this one life deeply.

  8. Well, Ratty, I'm no bird expert. I enjoy what you teach me. Like you, though, I do believe we must live life to the fullest since I'm not sure we get another go round. I have definitely had to make a lot of changes in the two years since my job with the city ended in those d@#& budget cuts but I'm surviving - of course, not in the manner in which I'd like!!!

  9. The difficult part, Ratty, is to strike some sort of balance. If you push yourself too hard, you wind up setting yourself back. It's okay to jump into everything, just know your limits.

  10. An Eastern Phoebe sounds good to me, I have become more aquainted with the western ones so I'm not much help there.

    Good attitute to have Ratty, enjoy life to its fullest.

  11. You are doing a great job Ratty. Much appreciated.
