
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Closeup Great Blue Heron

Guess what happened while I was looking for ducks? I found this guy! There is a place where ducks like to hang out because no humans are around. It's the same hidden place I discovered and showed you last week. I always stop above there and look for the ducks. This time I found a Great Blue Heron!

I happened to be looking down there and daydreaming about going back down myself, but I saw that it was kind of flooded this time. I remembered reading that herons were in my area this time of year. Then it appeared as if by magic!

Now you may think by looking at the pictures that I'm pretty close to this big bird, but it's all camera tricks. I was actually so far away that I could barely see it with my own eyes. The camera was able to pick it up just fine though. I'm glad the camera has a long distance eye.

These are actually some of my best pictures of a heron I've ever had. I've gotten several pictures from sightings of these birds in the past, and the birds were even closer, but these new ones came out the best. Herons really blend in with their background very well.

 The odd thing was that while I was watching the heron it saw me up there watching it. These birds are obviously very shy creatures, at least around here, because it shouldn't have known I was there. I caught it looking at me nervously, and then it began wading away from me. I didn't know the water was that shallow there.

 Here above is a good illustration of how far away the bird truly was. Beyond those trees in that far body of water is where the bird is. You cannot see it unless you enlarge the picture. Even then it is only a white speck. That's what I saw. You'd think it would not have seen me at that distance and with the trees in the way.

 I was able to get a few more pictures from another place as the heron walked away from me. It couldn't escape so easily. Ha ha ha!  I even got a few ducks in one picture, but I don't have that one here because these are better.

I ended up deciding I had enough of these long distance pictures, so I moved on my way to my next destination. Seeing a bird like this always makes it a good day.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I've always wanted to catch a picture of a heron, but so far I haven't had much success :-( Cool pictures especially with the reflections :-)

  2. i share your joy, i get excited too when i see birds, and yes, herons are shy, once they know you are within distance it would move away :(

  3. One of my favorites to capture in a pic. I shoot when I see them. I like to sneak up on them in my kayak.

  4. I've never seen a heron other than in pictures. Very nice capture.

  5. @John
    These shy birds don't like to be seen at all, and even then they're hard to get on camera very well. You have to find a good hiding place.

    This one sure did! I wish I could have gotten closer.

    @Out on the prairie
    I laughed imagining you sneaking up on them in a kayak.

    One of these days I'll get some video for you. Then the next step for you will be seeing a live one. :)

  6. If I am the bird, I'll fly away. I am very shy too.

  7. Beautiful pictures. They must have really good eye sight,or at least sense when someone is watching them (which makes sense because animals and humans in many ways.

  8. @Rainfield
    Me too. Sometimes I wish I had wings.

    It must be something like that. It was very surprising that the bird detected me from so far away.

  9. Wow, those are cool shots! Amazing that you were able to get them from so far away - I consider this a special episode of Bird TV!

  10. @Sparkle
    I'll soon be having an episode of Bird TV that a cat will especially love.

  11. That was quite a find, and what great pictures you got! I have never been able to get a good photo of one although I see them quite frequently. Not an easy bird to photograph!

  12. you should be having a very nice camera. this is a rare shot.

  13. Oh how beautiful that great blue heron looks! I've not seen one up close..Wonderful photos, Ratty!

  14. Great photos Ratty!! How much of a zoom do you have on your camera?? It's really far away..

  15. You really struck gold, Ratty. The picture is wonderful and it is only enhanced by the beautiful reflection of the bird in the water.

  16. Great job spotting that guy! I haven't seen one yet this year, but I know they must be here.

  17. @Montucky
    I think this is my best group of photos of these birds so far, and I've had them much closer in the past.

    Thank you. Some of it was just luck.

    @Icy BC
    You might find them at any nature park. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some at Belle Isle too.

    My camera has a 20X zoom on it. It actually goes farther than that, but only with software effects. It's a Canon Powershot SX20 IS.

    I'm glad I always look closely at that area. Birds like it because humans don't go there.

    I'm sure you'll see them soon. If I have them I know there are some near you too. I recently saw one on somebody else's blog. I thought it was yours. My memory is not so good.
