
Monday, April 11, 2011

Surrounded By Thorns

The warm weather is here. The animals are here. But where is all the green? Last year at this time I saw green popping out all over on the plants, but it has yet to show here right now. I know it will come very soon, but it is hard to be patient.

I keep trying to will it to show up, but things come in their own time. We can anticipate all we want, but that will not make things happen sooner than they are supposed to. Someday soon it will be green all over and then I wonder if I will be completely satisfied.

Maybe I will anticipate something else that hasn't arrived yet, like a bright sunny day. Or maybe the temperature won't quite be warm enough. I will be slightly frustrated, but I'll then have to remind myself once more that it will come in its own time.

All good things seem to be surrounded by thorns. I guess that's what makes it worth it when we finally get what we want.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature! Watch part 2 of "A Murder Of Crows".


  1. The thorns are there purely for protection...without the thorns I think many of the precious green shoots would be easily damaged.....I think we had our spring a little late this year...but once it did arrive they rapidly everything followed so I hope you are soon seeing greenery and blossom on your hikes!!

  2. Spring comes late this year, and everything is still in slumber land.

  3. I went south a bit and the green was all over so it is just around the corner for you.I have had problems with ticks already this year.

  4. That's all I see is bare thorny bushes right now but soon they will be sprouting!! We are supposed to get a thunderstorm tonight. Might be hail with it they say. Poor squirrel's nest. I watch that nest through the wind and rain and am amazed that it's still there.

  5. spring is a little bit strange this year, even in Southern California, our mountains still got fresh dumping of snow last weekend, but we will be having sunny and warm weather all days this week which is nice. Our spring here this year is not as colorful as the previous years, somehow, it is all green (mostly weeds and bushes) and the explosion of rainbow of colors from wildflowers did not come great as they used to. they say it is because our kind of wildflowers here need sun and warmth to bloom, but because we mostly had gray skies too (kind of unusual for SoCal) and colder than usual, the wildflowers did not get a chance to explode before the weeds invaded them. But nevertheless, I am happy that spring is here since I love all the life coming out. I am sure spring will soon come alive in your side of the world.

  6. I remember last year it seemed to get green over night. I'm sure that we're getting closer to the green. I can just feel it

  7. The thorns don't keep everyone out... just us large furless critters!

  8. We are having about the same kind of spring here, but the wild grasses are now green; it is an upside-down world.

  9. It is wonderfully green in many parts of northern California, thanks to all the rain...but we are certainly ready for the rain to stop. We've had so many landslides, trees falling on houses and cars,floods and we're no longer suffering from a drought so, "cease and desist", rainy days! One section of road along our famous scenic Highway 1, fell down the hillside, making it difficult for visitors to get to Big Sur. Ah, Mother Nature!
