
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bad Bad Robin

While I was leaving the nature trail recently I felt something splat onto my shoulder. I looked over to see a dark gloppy wet spot. Bird crap. Yuck! Of course I didn't stop walking, for fear of another attack. After walking for about ten feet I looked up and back to see a robin sitting there proudly in the tree above me.

That jerk did it on purpose! Yup, I said jerk. It's not only humans that can be jerks. What are the odds that he could hit me so skillfully and it be only an accident? I think none. He did it on purpose. I thought about getting his picture, but after glaring at him for a few seconds I decided not to do it. He had already given me a little present anyway.

So the innocent creature in the photo above is not the malevolent monster that took a dump on me. That evil one shortly leaped into the air and flew around me in a circle and then right back to his branch. That's the proof I needed. It was a last slap in the face from that flying creep.

He did it on purpose. That evil jerk. He did it on purpose.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature! The face of nature holds a secret, and I'll never tell.


  1. This will bring you luck.

    My belief.

  2. Aah..he gave you a clean up that's!

  3. Yeah, but he had good aim. Have to give him that one! ;)

  4. Perhaps this was good luck.LOL I saw a hat that said bird watcher on top with a few painted splats when I was traveling and always wish I had gotten it.

  5. England they say it is good luck to have a bird 'crap' on you....Maybe he was having a good day and wanted to share his luck with you too??

    I once had a birds mess on my head...I was jumping over a wall at the time!!

  6. Oh, Ratty, perhaps the poor bird just had a case of Montezuma's revenge and couldn't help himself. I remember once having some feathered creature splat on the bosom of a white shirt I was came from high in the heavens
    ( I didn't see it ) - I swear it was an eagle or a vulture or something!

  7. That robin must have really good aim!

  8. Did he have a little smirk on his beak when you looked up at him?

  9. feel like you were purposely targeted?:-D)

  10. MOL! Maybe us cats should try that next time my human goes on one of her paparazzi missions around here.

  11. Bummer! That's some shitty luck!
