
Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Long-Winded Update

It's been about a week, and I'm happy to say that I think I'm getting better from the accident at the pace I expected. I'm now able sit up for longer times without a whole lot of pain and dizziness, so I can get back on my computer for longer times. I'd like to thank all of you who left such kind comments on both The Everyday Adventurer and Nature Center Magazine. And I'd especially like to thank those of you who wrote the wonderful posts about me. It all has helped me feel a lot better and I really appreciate it. I read your comments and your posts the same days they were up, but I couldn't stay on for much longer than that.

I'm still having a lot of problems, but I think I am steadily getting better. So on Monday I will resume editing and posting on Nature Center Magazine. I'm still not ready to resume posting on The Everyday Adventurer yet though.

This is mostly because of the format of each site. Nature Center Magazine doesn't require as much work from me because I'm not the only writer, and I'm still not feeling very well. Plus I don't have to get up and walk to get material to write about for it, which I won't be able to do for awhile. I feel that writing a little bit will help me get moving again though. The Everyday Adventurer is going to be much harder for me. I still can't stay on the computer for very long without having to stop, and I've had some trouble thinking straight, so I'm not able to write very much yet. It's also going to take awhile longer for me to be able to go back and walk my nature parks.

There have been a few ideas given to me for The Everyday Adventurer, and I'm considering a few other things as well. I'll give another update on that as soon as I feel well enough to begin posting something on The Everyday Adventurer again. In the meantime I'll be doing all my work at Nature Center Magazine.

I'll also be reading all of your blogs as much as I can. I've already been lurking around just a little bit now. You'll all begin to see my name in your comments sections as time goes by. It's not going to be much at first, but I hope to be able to do more as I get better.

Sorry I haven't really given many details about my injuries, but as many of you know I don't really like talking about myself. I tell all of you more than I tell most people. The main thing keeping me off the computer for very long is a concussion. There are other, worse things wrong that I'd rather not talk about too much. The concussion is what is keeping me off the computer, so I feel that is the important thing right now. I'll be on here longer as it gets better. I hope it's not long, but nobody seems to know how long it will take.

Anyway, Nature Center Magazine will be back up and running on Monday. I'll give another update shortly before I'm able to start posting on The Everyday Adventurer again. I'm hoping I can write a little bit for it in a week or two. And thanks again for all of your concern. I really do appreciate it. It has helped a lot.



  1. Glad you are on the mend's good to know that your recovery is happening even slow going is better than no going...and you know that I and all your other readers will be there to cheer you on every time you feel you can make a post either here or at the nature center magazine!!.

    Wishing you well. xx

  2. We are all with you Ratty, every step of the way! Good beginning getting back to Nature Center Magazine. You will find that it strengthens you immensely. Getting on to the positive and leaving the negative behind is the first step to permanent healing.

    Will visit the magazine to see what is going on there. Good luck, and our positive thoughts are with you.

  3. It is great to read your update! I will continue to send you a bunch of healing energy.

  4. So happy to hear that your recovery is moving along. All of your readers here and at Nature Center Magazine are pulling for you and sending good wishes your way.

  5. Perhaps getting out would heal you better.

  6. Glad to see things are progressing as expected - that's a good thing! Keep your chin up - lots of good wishes are sent your way!

  7. So glad to hear from you Ratty, and it's greatta know you're recovering steadily too. But don't strain yourself much, cause you need to rest as much as you can to recover completely.

    Will check your Nature Center Magazine too. Oh and until you can post in detail how about adding a shoutbox? You'll only need to type lil and let us know how you're doing from time to time. It'll be lot easier than doing a whole post.. right?

    And once again I wish you a speedy recovery!

  8. Nice to hear from you, it is a good sign.

  9. Ratty- Thanks for the update! I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, but you are scaring us when you give hints of really serious things with no details. We've come to care about you, not just your blogs.

    I assume you can't go to work. How long can that continue without jeopardizing your situation?

  10. hi there, nice blog here, hope you will have your full recovery asap =)

  11. So sorry to hear that you were in an accident...I hope soon you will be much better and try to hang in there. Will put you on my prayer list Ratty.

  12. Ratty, I am happy to hear that you are recovering, though slowly. I don't like hearing there are more serious things going on. You are always in my thoughts and I hope to see you at 100% soon.

  13. Ditto on Sharky's comment, Ratty. We are very concerned about you, but respect your privacy as well. Please know that we care about the human behind the blog and the little mouse. :)

    Love to you, Ratty! Let us know if you need anything.

  14. Thanks everybody. I'm actually more concerned about the concussion than anything else because I've been told that it can be unpredictable as to how serious it could be. Any of my other injuries are predictable enough that I know I'll be fine, and I basically know how long they will take to heal. Sorry for seeming so secretive about it all. It was really just a bad attempt to downplay some of it. I'll explain more in my next update that comes before I resume posting here.

  15. glad to hear that you are slowly recovering. hope you don't tire yourself, and hoping and praying for your continued recovery until you gain your full health and strength.

  16. It's so nice to see you again Ratty! But you be real careful. Don't be overdoing. We want you to heal properly. Especially with that concussion. Hope you recover fully real soon. Take care. Big hug.

  17. I'm glad you checked in - I have been wondering how you've been doing. Take care of yourself and do what you need to do to get better! I will send you some healing purrs to help.

  18. Thank God for speedy recovery! You will run and chasing female squirrels again in no time! :)

  19. One more thing Ratty. I have had two serious concussions (knocked unconscious)and two minor concussions in my life, and although they are very disconcerting at the time I receives them my experience tells me the body does a pretty good job of healing the brain bruise. I haven't had any permanent side effects and although no one would consider my way of thinking normal I suspect it would have been this way with or without the conks on the old noggin".

    With all the positive energy you are getting I have to assume you will be OK, but take your time getting better. We will all be here when you return in good health and spirits!

  20. Appreciate the update Ratty and glad to read that you are on the mend. You love of being active in our wonderful outdoor world will surely help and motivate you in your recovery. Best wishes.

  21. Just concentrate on getting well, Ratty! The blog can wait..Don't worry about commenting until you're at least 90% well :-)

    If you need anything, I'm only an email away!

  22. Hey Ratty, slow down. The blogosphere will just be here waiting for you. Concussions are hard so just concentrate on getting well first. Regards!

  23. It's good to hear from you Ratty. Take care of yourself, concussions are unpredictable but they will heal. Just listen to your body and take it easy. Most importantly don't rush things, your health is the number one priority.

  24. Take care of yourself! Praising God that you are on the mend, and praying that you get well soon and meanwhile that you feel peace and comfort.

  25. Keep resting Ratty! No rushing. Seriously. And head injuries are nothing to fool around with. But you know this already.

    Get well, be well, don't worry. :)

    Good thoughts are coming your way.

  26. Glad to hear that you are getting a little better. Just keep resting and don't try to do too much. We will all be here when you get ready to write some more posts. No hurry. Just hoping you feel a little better soon.

  27. Thanks again for your concern, everybody. Things are progressing well for me. I'll have another update in a few days.

  28. Glad to hear things are progressing at your pace! Sending lots of artsy love vibes your way for an unexpectedly quick recovery. I look forward to your quick return, but please...make certain you always put yourself first in your recovery. We will all be here waiting with baited breath for your imminent return.
