
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Miss Nature Right Now

What you see above is a picture of Carpenter Lake. This is from among the last group of pictures I got before my car accident. It's a very similar view to the picture they took when they were celebrating the opening of this nature park. I was planning on going back here again on the day of the accident. Right now I miss this place terribly.

I understand how much nature means to me now that I can't be out there and feel like I'm one with it. But I understand the joy of nature the most when I'm at a place like Carpenter lake. I wish I knew when I could go back, but there is just no set timetable for me.

I don't want this post to sound too negative, but I know it is just a bit. It's really intended to give an update and to show the difference that experiencing nature can make. Take away nature and the joy and happiness goes with it. But knowing that it's still there waiting for me gives me hope for when I'm able to return.

The pain in my head doesn't seem to be getting better as quickly as I had hoped right now. I have pain and dizziness with any little effort I try to make, including just the effort of thinking. Most everything else seems to be progressing in an orderly fashion though. At least that part is encouraging.

I'm hoping that one of these times I'll wake up and feel like my old self. Then I'll be able to go out and find myself another truck, and I'll be back out wandering my nature trails once again. But for now I have trouble even focusing my own thoughts. It's such a helpless feeling.

My next post will hopefully be more like my regular stuff. I'm not exactly sure when that will be. I'll write posts whenever I feel well enough to do it, so they will be coming on an irregular basis. Before I write another one though I'm going to attempt to read a few of your blogs and leave some comments. Again, I'm not sure when yet. Anything I do will come as I feel well enough.

I'm keeping both of these things as goals that I hope will help me improve my health right now. This post may make things seem very bleak, and they do seem like that to me a lot of times, but at least now I have a plan for a return. So that is encouraging. If I take small steps towards my normal habits I'll wake up one day and realize that I'm back. Then I'll go back to my forest and have a visit with the squirrels.

I can't stress enough how fun it was sneaking up on this little fella. It makes me smile just to think about it. My next post will be much more cheerful. I promise!

Nature Center Magazine - This is where I'm spending most of my blogging time for now. Running a site where I have others who contribute helps very much. I'm very grateful to them for the help.


  1. Wow! After re-reading this post it seemed very depressing! Believe me, I didn't intend it to sound quite so bad. It was just supposed to be an update, but then all of that came out. My hope for my return to nature and blogging really is overriding any depressed feelings I have.

  2. Your post is not depressing, you're just telling it like it is. I know I'm speaking for many when I say that we're glad that you're feeling well enough to post an update. Take your time and get well soon!

  3. I agree with Mike. I felt it was a beautiful and positive post. You may still have pain and dizziness but you still can still write!!!
    Accidents happen in Life. I have had my share which interrupted doing what I loved. You will mend (as I did) and will be able to get back to nature.
    Very nice photos! No wonder you love Carpenter Lake. The lake,trails, and squirrels will wait and rejoice when you return.

    I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Gentle Hugs!!!

  4. Ratty, of course you are feeling a little glum right now, because you are still getting over your injuries and you are missing what you enjoy most. Just take it easy and do not push yourself - that way, you will be less likely to have any setbacks and stay better when you get better.

  5. Ratty hope you are feeling a little better. Sometimes things take a time, like you I can not really imagine being stuck at home not venturing out.

    Get well soon.

  6. I still wish you all the best in a crazy monkey's way.

    Hope you are entertained and be well, happy, ....

  7. Concussions can take time. The good news is that we all miss your everyday adventures. Be patient, things will get back to normal. The natural world is waiting for your return.

  8. Hey Ratty, take your time and no rushing! We do miss your posts though- I do, I had them delivered to my inbox everyday. I do hope you start to feel less pain soon. x

  9. Oh, I didn't think you were depressing! Hey, you aren't feeling well and that can be tough. It takes time for our bodies to heal--don't rush it or it will just take longer.

    We miss ya, Ratty, but we don't expect posts or you to stop by. If you do, that is just a bonus, but please, just get well, pally.

  10. Here's more get well wishes. You can never get enough of them. We are all here rooting for you Ratty, so do whatever you have to to get better. And many thanks for making the effort that's gone into this post and its beautiful pics.

  11. It takes a while Ratty to recover from an accident. Each day whether you feel so or not brings you you say, "everything is progressing." As my disability makes it harder and harder to get out to the woods for a walk, I find enjoyment in observing from a bench what nature comes to me. You have a way of sharing with us the quiet of nature, how it feels. Maybe sitting by the window and watching will bring that feeling to you until you are able to be more active.


  12. Your area will have a major change to it when you return, but still be there.Summer ends today, yikes i haven't made enough use of it either. I was on a hike the other day and had two people on horses pass. They said they had never seen hikers out this far, I laughed it is a favorite winter haunt for me also.Like to take the tent and stay over.

  13. You didn't sound depressed Ratty. It's obvious that you are in pain and that you miss being out in nature. But hope shines through strongly and confidently. I know you'll make it. All your friends are pulling and praying for you friend.

  14. We don't think you sounded especially depressed and isn't that partly what these blogs are about, knowing what is going on in your life and nature. We are hoping you will feel better soon. Like everyone else said, take it easy and rest. The more you rest, the sooner you will feel better.
    Take care.

  15. Hi goo dot see a poet from you even if it isn't your usual stuff it lets me know that you are getting better a little each day..I can sympathize with you over not being able to get out there as I have had a couple of major op.s which prevented me from doing pretty much anything apart from walking very slowly on concrete which drove me mad...I think it was made worse as they were both in the summertime.

    My thoughts are with you and whenever you feel your able I will be right back here reading your posts!!

  16. not depressing at all. like it was already mentioned, you're just telling it like it is. Not being able to get out there has got to be the hardest part of your recovery and I'm sure quite frustrating. Take care of yourself and you'll get there.

  17. OH, welcome back! Even though your ability to get out and share your adventures with us is limited, it's so good to hear from you! We will enjoy seeing you again, when you can. And Mr Nutz will still be there when you can visit him again.

  18. The most important thing we have is health. Take your time and get well.

  19. Hi Ratty, I sure do hope and pray for your recovery, and back to your own self. The pictures are gorgeous, and the squirrel is adorable..

    Your post is not depressing, it's just real!

  20. I wish you a speedy recovery. I love your lake picture, very tranquil.

  21. Enjoyed coming back to check on you and read your post - you can only take one day at time Ratty...everything will be OK and this too shall pass. :)

  22. Given that I lived in the city, it is a privileage to go back to nature. The air is always so fresh, and the sound of the forest is ever so nice. Enjoy it! It is a gift.

  23. That photo of the lake made me miss my province in Lake Sebu - my personal healing space

  24. Take care of yourself Ratty and before you know it you will be back on the trails again. We all miss you and your adventures but your health is the number one priority right now. I love your photos of the lake, trail and of course the adorable little squirrel.

  25. That photo is so relaxing.. You need to relax and get a good recovery.. Just take care yourself..

  26. We're still with you in spirit, Ratty, so take your time recovering and remember that you are a part of nature too, just like the little squirrel.

    All the best -- I think on your and your recovery path often.

  27. still with you in prayers, Ratty!

  28. It is good to see you here and you are not depressing - just maybe really annoyed? That in itself can be a good sign of recovery. We wish you faster recovery and please don't push yourself. Be well.

  29. I am sorry, I know what you feel. I just told a friend I can live without cell phone and internet, but just don't take away from me my hiking gears for I always feel weak when I could not go out and seek the peacefulness and beauty in nature. I hope you feel better soon.

  30. Hello, Mr. Ratty! I'm a "new" reader. And though this is the first post of yours that I have read so far yet, I must say I enjoy it! Aside from the fact that I share the same feeling of "missing" the nature, I'm fond of the way you wrote your story... BUT I am very sorry to know that you've been into an accident. Feel better soon!!! I hope you'll be able to post more!!! Take care.

  31. Again, thanks everybody for your concern. I hope to not have to be a concern in such a way for much longer. I feel good on some days and bad on others. A few days ago I thought I was getting better again, but then spent two more days dizzy and sick. My mind seems to be working at a diminished capacity as well, so much of my writing is beyond me still. I'm sure that there will soon come a time when I'm well enough to be back to my old self again.

  32. A good post about how your life is just now. It sounds like you are getting on well, but things take time to heal, I have been in two accidents, so I know one can feel depressed at times and think things are going slow, just allow your mind and body to take the time needed to repair.
    Blessings to you!

  33. I think you sounded very good for what you've been through. And, not being out in nature I know is difficult for you though you still have great memories with all of your posts and photos here. It will take some time but you will be back before you know it. Take care, Ratty.

  34. Time heals all wounds, right? I'm not what wise and venerable person said that but he must have had a lot more patience than I possess. We could always send your creatures to you if need be. Relax,Ratty, you'll be out and about before long. I have every confidence in you!!

  35. Aww.. this is very touching. I hope you're feeling way lot better by now, by the time I finally get to read this. Hope to see your ultra cheerful posts soon Ratty. Wishing you over and over again for a speedy recovery!

  36. Don't apologize for not being positive all the time Ratty. You have been through a LOT...take it one day at a time and only do what you can. We are patient and here to cheer you on. I know in my heart that you will get back to your nature places that you love so much. And it will be there to help you too.

  37. I've been missing all these posts and thought you weren't writing but i fixed the problem so now I'll know.
    For years I was the only person I knew who felt that way about nature and it's wonderful to find others who feel that way too. 1999 I had a back injury that kept me indoors for two years so I feel for you and compared to my mood you are doing very well :O) You'll be in my thoughts and prayers
