
Sunday, September 5, 2010

An Unexpected Interruption

The Everyday Adventurer will not be updated for awhile. Friday afternoon while I was sitting at a stop light in my truck I was hit from behind by another car. The truck was smashed up pretty good and I was rushed to the hospital. I'm getting better now, but it's going to take time for me to get back to normal. As a result I am taking some time off from everything so I can have time to heal. I hope it won't be long, but I'm not sure how long it will take. Nature Center Magazine will also stop for the time being for the same reason.

I'm hoping I will be able to get Nature Center Magazine back up and running in about a week, but I'm not sure yet. It's going to take longer to get The Everyday Adventurer back up because walking my nature trails is impossible for me right now. I'll be back as soon as I can though.

In the meantime I hope you will all visit the links of others that appear in my comments section here, the links in my sidebar, and the other blogs that I'm linked to through the advertisements on this site. I'll also be back to reading and commenting on your blogs as soon as I can.

I hope to be back soon.



  1. Oh no! Oh, Ratty, I hope you are okay! How very scary. Do you need anything?? Please let us all know if we can help you in any way. In the meantime, I will be saying a few prayers so that you are back in action soon!

  2. Oh Ratty, I am so sorry you had to go through such an experience. I hope you are not in a lot of pain. Take good care of yourself and take it easy for as long as necessary. You will be in my thoughts.

    Don't push yourself, maybe repost some of your early adventures that many of us missed.

  3. Ratty, I am so very sorry that this happened. Please remember to view your time of healing as a positive. Blessings seem to come out of such happenings.
    I pray you will have a swift and full recovery!

  4. Oh, Ratty! I hope your injuries aren't too serious. Whiplash is the pits, even if that's all you end up with. Broken bones? We will have to posts cheerful get-well pictures on our blogs for you! Hugs (if you aren't offended by that) (careful ones so they won't hurt you more)

  5. Like I said over at Nature center magazine, sorry to hear about your accident. Take care of yourself and get better soon. We'll be thinking of you and sending good wishes your way.

  6. Oh, man!!!
    So sorry to hear this, Ratty!
    Hope you heal back to 100% normal, and that it happens quickly!

  7. I'm so sad to hear you were hurt so much in an accident. :*-( I'm also terribly glad you are okay. Please get well soon! I'll pray for you!

  8. Ratty, you will be in my thoughts and please just rest and take care of yourself. Let us know if you need anything.

  9. That's awful, Ratty! My human and I hope you will be okay and I am sending you lots of healing purrs and good thoughts.

  10. I hope you are not injured seriously. Get well soon. Take it as a compulsory rest period and then get back on track with a new zeal and enthusiasm.

  11. Dear Ratty, at least you are well enough to let us know,
    thankfully. Please do take all the time that you need
    to recover. When you are better, check back and see my,
    "I'm Feeling Squirrely" post, dedicated to you. Thinking
    good thoughts and sending hugs your way.

  12. I hope you get to feeling better real soon. By the way, was there a squirrel involved?

  13. Get well soon Ratty, we will be missing your photos.. take care!

  14. Hey Ratty, sorry to hear about your car incident. I hope you get better soon!

  15. Sorry to hear that. I do not think you are as lucky as I was when my car was banged by a wild boar.

    But every bad thing will be over. Hope you will see rainbow today.

  16. Sorry to read about your accident Ratty. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Do heal quickly.

  17. Look forward to seeing you back again. Keep positive and get well quickly!!

  18. It will all wait for your return, cheer up!

  19. i'm sorry to hear about the accident. i hope you get well soon.

  20. It's unfortunate accident but at least, you're now safe and on the way to recovery. I do hope that you will get well sooner than soon.

  21. Take good care of yourself Ratty. It is now time to think about your recovery. We will all be here when you get well. We'll miss you.

  22. Dear Ratty, so sorry to hear about this awful experience! Please know that you're in my thoughts. I hope you are comfortably recuperating. Take as much time as you must. You will be missed! We'll all be here on your return! *hugs*

  23. Sorry to hear that, get well soon... I'll be missing your daily adventure:(

  24. I am so sorry to hear about your accident Ratty, I had learned what happened from Jo's FB blog update, somehow, my crazy schedule did not allow me to blog hop that I failed to see your news. Hope all will be well, hope you get better soonest.

  25. Hi Ratty. Hopped from Ann's blog when I read about your accident. Get well soon ya.

  26. I am sorry to hear what has happened to you. I hope you are not hurt much. Get well soon.

  27. Get well soon Ratty! I hope you are feeling better very quickly. I was worried reading about your accident and am hoping for the best.

  28. Take it easy and hope you will be all better soon!

  29. I hope you're back to normal soon Ratty. There are some crazy drivers on the road :-(

  30. Oh my, I am SO sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you are back on your feet and bopping along the trails soon (and what a blessing that you weren't seriously injured - whew!).

  31. Get well soon, Ratty! Will be thinking of you, and sending good thoughts your way..

  32. Okay friend, take all the time you to get well. We'll pray for your complete recovery and new adventures in the forest.

  33. Get well soon Ratty

    Best wishes from Scotland.

  34. Ratty, I just heard about your accident. That is horrible, you poor thing. Sending lots of healing prayers for you and hope you can get well soon. Lots of good thoughts for you.

  35. Hi there! I came over here from Lin's blog...I hope you get better soon and that you didn't sustain many injuries!! Take Care!!

  36. I am so sorry to hear this bad news ratty. I sure hope you are up and about soon. You will be missed terribly. My thoughts are with you.

  37. Oh no! Poor you :-( I hope you get well soon, and don't worry, we'll all be here when you get back. Just take care of yourself!

  38. Sorry you were hurt in that accident. I'll pray for you complete and quick recovery. You are wise to take it easy, rest up and take care.

  39. Don't worry about the blog. Your wellness is more important. Get well soon Ratty!

  40. Looking forward to your triumphant return! Hope you get well soon!

  41. Gosh.. that's such a shock. Sorry about the late reply, I didn't notice the title sooner. I sincerely wish you're much much more better now Ratty. Hope to see you back again when you're completely healed. Get well soon!

  42. I'll add my voice to the dozens before me and wish you a speedy recovery, full of small everyday adventures at home. We'll miss you and look forward to your return.

    Peace, Ratty, and good health!

  43. Ratty, I was behind in reading blogposts and saw Rainfield's wishes to you and came immediately over to your blog to see what was going on...
    I am so sorry, my friend, that you had this awful experience.
    I know how much you will miss being outside doing your hiking and posting..but take your time healing..we will be right here cheering for you and when you get back you will hear cheers all over bloggingland.
    Take care and know you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

  44. Get well soon, Ratty! Take as much time as you need!

  45. Well I ended up here because of Rainfield's post
    post- you must be special-so wishing you
    well and a swift recovery, Regina-

  46. I didn't visit my own blog for quite sometime and didn't know about your news. Hope you will recover soon. Take a good rest and get well soon... God bless..

  47. haven't visited in a while but heard about your accident. i hope you're on the road to recovery!

    be careful and take care =D

  48. sending prayers for your fast recovery Ratty. get well soonest!

  49. Best wishes, just stumbled upon this blog. Get it going again soon so we can all keep reading.

  50. Thank you all for your concern and your kind comments. I'm feeling a little bit better now. Nature Center Magazine will be back on Monday. The Everyday Adventurer will take a little while longer. I have posted an update on everything at both sites.

  51. Oh no! How scary. I hope you get back up and feeling better in no time but take it easy and take all the physical therapy you can!
