
Friday, June 18, 2010

A New Perspective

I walk past it every day. I don't know why I never try it. It sits there waiting patiently for me, but I only notice it when it's too late. I've looked at it countless times, but I never once considered approaching it. Well, never, until this last time. I finally did it!

Now, what I'm about to say may seem like such a small thing, but in my mind no new adventure is a small thing. And what adventure am I talking about? It's this trail in front of us in the picture above. It leads straight down to the edge of the lake. I finally decided to take a walk down this very short trail. But why did I never do it before?

It's because of this. The structure you see in the above picture is the fishing platform. I have often called the walkway that leads to it my own playground. I love places like this. It's like a combination of a walking bridge and a viewing platform. Actually, that's exactly what it is. I find it fun just to walk down that walkway to this platform, hearing the hollow thump thump thump of my footsteps along the boards.

And it has such a great view of the lake. I have shown numerous pictures from that very place. And I've also looked over and seen the little path at the edge of the water and thought to myself that I should walk down that one day. But being on the platform, I have already passed that little path.

But this time I decided to take the path. now I have an all new perspective. This path shows me a view of the lake that I have never seen before. I'm now down closer to the level of the water. Being on the dirt in a way makes me feel closer to nature than standing on a wooden platform. I'm glad I did this.

This all may seem like a very small thing, but it's the small things that take us closer to our goals. If you take a few small steps through the front door of your house to the outside, then you will have taken a giant leap to the world of nature, even if you live in a city. Inside is a completely different world than outside. Taking a few small steps in a different direction can give you an all new perspective too.

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  1. It's nice to look at things from a different perspective every now and then. Amazing how things can look so different. I really like those pictures. It looks like such a peaceful spot. A nice place to get lost in thought I would think.

  2. Very nice looking lake. I'm glad you took the adventure to walk down there.

  3. What a nice calm lake, Ratty! You're so right, just a few small step into another direction can give us a new perspective!

  4. I appreciate your sentiment on this one. All it takes is a few steps, just like you say. And your special angle on this subtlety of life was good to remind me that I need to do the same.

  5. Wow...what a spectacular view! I could spend all day sitting there by the water *sigh*. Nifty little segue into a life lesson too, by the way ;o)

  6. Surrounded by beauty. Amazed at its glory.

  7. My call this week has been ,"Get the net!" So maybe you need to try out this with a few worms.Nice way to relax.

  8. Such a beautiful location, we don't have anything even remotely like that near where I live. It's amazing what such a simple change of route can do.

  9. really beautiful place, am glad you followed the path, the view from there is definitely awesome.

  10. I so agree, Ratty! I feel the same way about my photography...sometimes just changing the angle of the lens just a little bit makes a huge difference!

  11. Congratulations on taking that small step. Every step counts. It seems you have the whole path and lake to yourself.

  12. I do not know why.

    This (That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind) come across my mind when I am reading your last paragraph.

    Hahaha... you are great.

  13. Beautiful place Ratty. Glad that you took the step of faith.

  14. You may have walked by there daily but on this day you saw something different which led you down that path. I love bridges and viewing platforms etc...These shots are stunning, Ratty.

  15. Nice viewing platform and great thoughts Ratty.
