
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chased By A Butterfly

This butterfly wanted desperately to land on my head! I was walking out of the nature park when it came flying aggressively towards me. Now before you tell me that butterflies are harmless, I know they are, and I fully agree. But it's a little unsettling when a creature seems so determined to have contact with you.

I saw it come flying down towards me from the sky in front of me. It was flying in a direct line towards my head. I make it a habit never to touch the animals if I can help it, so I ducked quickly so it would just fly past me. But then it did the oddest thing!

It flew right back around in a tight circle and tried to land on my head again! I did another quick duck and it actually changed direction to try to catch me anyway! It was very determined, and this whole thing became an odd dance with me trying to fend of this butterfly without touching or hurting it! Me being chased by a butterfly would have been extremely funny to any onlookers.

Finally, it looked like the butterfly had given up, and it flew off into the forest. I just began to turn to continue my hike, but the butterfly came zooming back! This time as it flew towards me, and got close enough to try for another landing, it suddenly did a climb up to the sky. Then it did a loop, quickly diving back down towards the ground, and it landed right at my feet! The pictures you see here are the only proof I have for this strange tale.

The butterfly then waited there on the ground while I began taking the pictures. I began to think maybe there was something wrong with the creature, but its behavior while it was on the ground seemed normal enough. And what is normal? Well, that would be sitting there slowly moving its wings while also slowly turning in a circle. Watch a butterfly some time; you'll see.

It was now that I remembered seeing this same type of butterfly last year. This butterfly has a wingspan of about 3in/7cm, so it's a good sized butterfly. The one last year was much bigger, but it was the same kind.

The only real problem I have is that even though I know this is a fairly common butterfly, I can't find out what kind it is. I've looked through so many pictures and guides that my eyes hurt, but I never find this kind. So does anyone have an idea of what kind of butterfly this friendly little creature might be?

So there you go. A strange story and a mystery to go along with it, plus some closeup pictures of a butterfly. I guess that makes a story that at least I think is entertaining. And that's good enough for me. I'll be back next time for another thrilling story of creatures and things.

Nature Center Magazine today brings you Copas, with his look at the State of Hawaii, and a good sampling of the nature you might find there. Don't miss it.


  1. You wonder if there isn't something wrong with the guy, though, Ratty, since that behavior can't really be normal. I know you're a terrific character, beloved my many, but mostly two legged creatures.

  2. Maybe you used fruity hair product and the butterfly can't resist it. Or it is simply a forest spirit want to bless you :)

  3. That is funny Ratty, I am imagining you running in circles to avoid the little fellow. Were you wearing any bright colors? He might have mistaken you for a flower. I have had the skippers land on my outstretched hand on several occasions. As long as you are still and don't handle the wings the butterfly will be safe. I wish I could tell you what he is but I had no idea.

  4. Looks like a black swallowtail, but where are the "tails"?

  5. Very nice pictures, don't know what kind it is though.

    My 7-yr-old daughter would love to have been a victim of butterfly infatuation. I'm thinking too that you must have been wearing a color that was attracting it.

  6. Wish I had been there to watch you ducking the butterfly.:-D)
    It looks like a Red-Spotted Purple to me.

  7. I have thought that you are chasing after a butterfly, but it is the other way round when I read properly.

    It might thought there are flowers on your big head.

  8. You better check what kind of shampoo you used, maybe he was attracted to the scent..which would be GREAT to share with the rest of us so we, too can attract this kind of beautiful butterfly and take photos of it.

  9. If you ever figure out what attracted the butterfly to you, please share your tips - I would like to use them (for my own nefarious ends, of course).

  10. You had me curious so I went searching. The closest I could find was a female tiger swallowtail.
    That's the link that has the picture I was looking at.

  11. Quite humorous to see you being chased by a butterfly..Ha! Ha! I don't know what kind it is. Hope someone does. Great photos of it!

  12. Strange that butterfly is chasing you, you must smell sweet ;)

  13. Wasn't that fun? Instead of chasing the butterfly, it chases you..It gave you a beautiful memory now..Wonderful photos!

  14. I agree with Jean. It looks like a Red-Spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

  15. I don't know what it is but maybe it is a butterfly hairdresser and wanted a closer look at your hair :D Seriously though, that is a bit bizarre and I think would have freaked me out a little bit.

  16. In the eyes of this butterfly your head is a flower. lol It'd have surely looked amusing being chased by a butterfly but then again they kinda scare me, the bigger butterflies and moths with huge wing spans.

  17. OMG....the strangest thing - this looks exactly like the same type of butterfly that chased me today. I just posted a comment on facebook about being chased by a butterfly - which is the oddest thing to me; given my impression of them are to be docile. It landed on my thigh and I sort of waved it away and a litte sprint to get out of its way. But, it was very persistent. I'm so glad I read this!
