
Saturday, June 19, 2010


I seem to have found a form of life I've never seen before. Don't be mistaken, I've seen similar sights in the past, but never anything quite like this one. The only problem is that I don't quite know what it is. You see them in the picture above. They appear to be some type of parasite that is growing on this small tree.

The green color of this parasite blends in well with the leaves, but the odd shape really makes these things very easy to spot. I can tell you one thing for certain. My policy of not touching anything was in full strength when I was looking at these awful parasites.

They almost look like pointy seeds or something, but I've never seen any seeds grow on leaves in that way. This is the kind of thing I imagine seeing in a horror movie. The dumb guy touches one of them, and then they inject themselves into him and devour him from the inside out. Disgusting!

As you can see by this next picture the whole tree is covered with them. I looked closely, still not touching, to see if these were made by some of the insects that were crawling on the branches. There were a few ants crawling around, and a harmless looking spider.

I attempted to get a few pictures of the bugs, but that's when the mosquitoes struck! It was very hot out there, and I was sweating profusely. That's like candy to a mosquito! Every time I stopped walking the mosquitoes tore me up! So the mosquitoes are to blame for my lack of pictures of the other bugs.

After all of that, I figured I had overstayed my welcome in the forest this time. I quickly fled from the mosquitoes, the parasites on the plant, and any other parasites that might be lurking in the dark. It just goes to show you, it's better to at least attempt to escape parasites when they first show up. They come in large numbers, and they're totally relentless. I hate parasites!


  1. I've never seen anything quite like that. I wouldn't have touched it either, gives me the creepy crawlies just thinking about As for the mosquitoes, I've heard that if you tie a fabric softener sheet through your belt loop it will keep them away. I've never tried it though so I can't say if it works or not

  2. Some type of leaf gall? I haven't seen any quite like those before.

  3. I have the feeling the number will expand over night. The whole forest will be occupied. The villages nearby will be occupied.


  4. They are creepy looking things. Something that you'd see in a SYFI movie that attacks humans..ha! I wouldn't touch them either! Yikes!

  5. I really hate that so many parasites (and weeds) have such great camo - pretty sure our military could pick up some great ideas there. Mosquitos - ugh - try some Avon great!

  6. Attack of the killer leaf galls!You should have harvested one and looked at it under a magnifying glass to see if the resident was still there.

  7. I'm glad others know what those things are. Parasites are interesting life forms. Hmmm...I wonder if Mother Earth considers humans to be parasites???

  8. I've seen those on plants in the woods Ratty. I have no idea what they are.

  9. Very interesting. I've never seen those and have no idea what they are. Neat post.

    Jean - I think humans would definitely be considered parasitic to the earth.

  10. It sounds like you had an icky day, between the parasites, the mosquitoes and the ants! Sometimes nature just wants to be left alone.

  11. I have never seen those and never want to see them. I am however grateful that you have posted photos so that we can become aware of these. Pretty creepy.

  12. It certainly DOES seem like some kind of alien life pod on the leaves. It would have creeped me out. ha

  13. Do you feel unwell and increased appetite Ratty? Please quarantine yourself and rent ALIEN trilogy DVD for survival guide :)

  14. Parasitic life is totally disgusting. From fleas to fungus, all gross. Unidentified parasites are even worse. I have no idea what you found, but good job staying away!

  15. Spiky leaves.. such a creepy looking plant but feel sorry for it, since the parasites might be giving a slow death to it.
