
Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Huge Mistake

Where do I start? I guess the beginning would be as good of a place as any. I'm about to tell you a story that I never wanted to reveal to anybody. Why? Because I feel foolish that it even happened to me. I was beginning to think I was a great adventurer, but then this happened.

I arrived at the park happy to be on one more everyday adventure. I moved onto the entry path, and was about to cross the bridge that leads to the forest when I saw a big creature standing there to the right of this small structure. It took me a second to realize that I was looking at a great blue heron that was in a very odd place.

Being quick with my camera, as always, I began taking pictures at lightning speed before it could decide to fly away. The only problem was that it had its back to me. I took a few steps forward before I thought maybe I should try to get this at a better angle. So I backed away as stealthily as I could, and I walked around a bug shrub on the side of the bridge to get a better look.

I came at that heron from the side of the bridge, not even worrying about the snakes that live down in this area. Happily there were none there this time. They would only be garter snakes anyway, so I was in no danger. And the very small runoff creek was mostly dry today too, so I was doubly lucky.

I was in a very good position now because the heron was concentrating very strongly on something else, so it had no idea that I was there at all. I was going to be able to sneak right up on it. Yes! I began stalking it like a graceful cat. I'd be right up on it, getting pictures the whole way before it ever knew I was there!

Then I got closer and found out what I was blinded to before. The reason the heron never seemed to move was because it was fake!!! I was tricked by a fake heron! I immediately felt so embarrassed that I looked around to see if anyone saw this whole episode. When I saw nobody else around I quickly resolved to never speak of this event. Why would I ever tell a living soul of this?

The reason I'm telling you about this now is because of exactly what happened. It's because of the fact that I was embarrassed about it. I'm revealing even my blunders because if I do that then I will never be self conscious of myself in such a bad way. I never want to let embarrassment affect me. I only want confidence to remain. Telling any story like this will only make me stronger.

So now I invite all of you to go ahead and laugh at me. I mean it. I deserve it for this because I think what happened is honestly and truly funny. Laughter doesn't hurt one bit; it only makes us happy. I know I would find it funny if it happened to someone else. And if you'd like to share one of your blunders too, go ahead. We will all get a laugh out of it, and we'll know we are laughing with another human being. I think you'll feel better for it. I feel better for this.


  1. I must confess, Ratty, I did let out a little chuckle at this revelation. You, the super explorer and outdoorsman, fooled by a fake blue heron. Okay, you have now assumed human proportions in my eyes but I love you just the same. You are still an icon in the outdoors realm and I will never know all that you do.

  2. But Ratty I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you. OK so maybe I am laughing at you but only because it sounds like something I would do and it's nice to know I'm not the only one.

  3. Oh, Ratty that is hysterical. I am a big believer in Proverbs (and the one about pride coming before a fall trips me up too :o) If it makes you feel any better, one of the board members where I used to work took a big bite out of a piece of waxed fruit one time at a meeting. *Grin*. It was a pretty realistic looking display...

  4. Ha ha ha .....sorry Ratty please forgive me!
    It's like when you trip on the sidewalk, you instinctively look around to see if anyone has seen you make a fool of yourself.

    We've all been there, happy heron hunting in the future.

  5. Great story!
    I had a similar experience. One day my girlfriend left a decoy of herself in the apartment.

  6. I did the same thing near Padre island one year. I saw a duck sitting by the edge of the water. I walked, shot ,took a slow approach trying to get the classic picture. Lo and behold I had a mallard decoy that had floated from parts unknown. I kept my souvenir as a prize.Wondered what the airport security thought when they scanned it.

  7. Someone gave me a fake bird to put in my pond and it was great fun. It does attract other birds and that might be why someone put that one there. It is a funny story but there has to be a reason that someone put that there other than fooling you.
    Great pictures.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  8. This was funny, I laughed out loud, but felt as though I was laughing with you.

    By the way, the reason this is so funny is that it has happened to all of us!


  9. Lovely story Ratty. Well done for giving us all a chuckle. I've got one too. When I lived in Singapore, my amah called me to see there was a dangerous snake on a tree in out garden. My hubby was at work so I called on a neighbour who came to try and catch it with a fishing rod and net. We were all very scared and keeping our distance, but when he touched it with the fishing rod, we discoverd it was a rubber one that someone had thrown up there for a joke.

  10. LOL..I'm picturing you tip-toed around trying to get a great shot! Great story for a gloomy Sunday..

  11. oh Ratty...don't feel to embarrassed...whet you should be doing is congratulating the creator on such a lifelike specimen...if it makes you feel any better I once walked into a horse!!!

  12. Anyone can be fooled by that fake heron...It was so lifelike...

  13. Hahahaha! I wonder how many others were fooled by this?? And is there a hidden camera to record all the others who "snuck" up on the heron?? Poor Ratty! (I only chuckled a little)

  14. Oh, you are not alone Ratty. I might be fooled also if I was there. But if I were you, I will bring back that fake heron to decorate my garden :)

  15. Ha ha ha ha ha.....

    But I am afraid that this may happen to me one day.

  16. Hilarious! And you know, being able to laugh at oneself is a sign of true strength! Thanks for sharing.

  17. haha :) sorry but I can't help but laugh, but I did similar mistakes before too, so, you are not alone, it's good to have some hilarious mistakes sometimes :)

  18. It's only funny because I would do the same thing. And I can just picture it. I love taking pictures! And I'm always embarrassing myself.

  19. What? You made a mistake? I thought Rats wouldn't fall for such fakes. LOL! Yep...I have to confess it could happen to me. I guess it feels good coming clean.:-D)

  20. My human says that one of the keys to happiness is being able to laugh at one's self. And she should know. She is so happy most of the time, she is slap-happy.

    Me? Cats never do anything stupid. Ever. We meant to do that. Whatever "that" happens to be.

  21. Gosh Ratty, if you hadn't told me it was fake, I would've looked at your photos and told you how cool I thought it was that you got that close! But I was wondering why it looked so shiny.
    Too funny and thanks for sharing it with us and making us laugh WITH you (not AT you!)

  22. Looking at the first photo, I thought it was as stone bird, then as I read further in your post and riding with your excitement I got second thoughts, thinking it was real.. nyahaha...

  23. I love it! Thanks for sharing your little secret.

  24. Ha! Ha! That is so funny. I can't believe you got fooled Ratty. I wonder why they would stick a fake bird there?
