
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Forest Ninjas

I often refer to black squirrels as ninjas of the forest or forest ninjas. A ninja, at least in our popular stories of today, usually dresses in black to conceal his movements, and moves with great stealth. The best of them give the illusion that they're invisible to the rest of us. They carry out their mission without ever leaving a trace.

Well, a forest ninja, or black squirrel, has many of these same qualities. In the deep forest these black squirrels are very difficult to ever see. A humans eyes have enough trouble, and a camera always has a lot of trouble focusing on these stealthy little creatures. Getting a photo of a black squirrel when the leaves are on the trees is one of the most difficult things ever to do.

Take a look at the photo above. There is a black squirrel there, but he is not the easiest thing to see. Go ahead and click the picture if you need to see it better. The light has many shadows lurking in it, and the black squirrel uses it well.

Here's another picture you might want to click on to make it bigger. Go ahead and get a closer look. The squirrel is actually easy to see here. But are you really seeing a whole squirrel? What you really see is only a black silhouette. The squirrel is so dark that he has become only a shadow. Almost invisible. Like a ghost.

Even the eyes are black on these black squirrels. They are very hard to see when they hide. I think that's why they seem to thrive in certain small areas, but are never seen in most others. This is an example of a very specialized creature. Most squirrels are a shade of brown, and that serves them well. But these black squirrel forest ninjas have their own special color. They demonstrate more of the wonderful variety of nature. I'm glad they exist, aren't you?


  1. Very glad they exist. Glad that you are able to capture them and bring them to us also

  2. Sharp, I have only seen them a few times.

  3. I'll beware the ninja squirrels. Don't they have to watch out for ninja turtles?

    Great shots and interesting story.

  4. They have evolved after continous attacks by the predators.
    They evolved to be in balck.
    They are not for you to see.

  5. I'm thinking black squirrels are the cool biker dudes of the Rodentia. I don't think I've ever actually seen one live and in person, but I sure do like their choice of wardrobe (that head to tail black is a very cool look :o)

  6. You aptly named them ninjas. They move so fast jumping from tree branch to tree branch that you only see a dark stealthy figure and never quite sure what it is.

  7. In my part of the world we are nearly devoid of these apt ninjas. We could use a few. The forest may be defenseless without them.

  8. because of you I am able to learn of the existence of black squirrel and actually was able to spot them in the forest, however, unlike you, i never got lucky enough to capture their mark, a ninja indeed!

  9. Yep...I am glad they exist and that you can share them with us. They look so exotic to me. Would love to see one in person.

  10. I love seeing your black squirrels Ratty! I have never seen one.

  11. Ratty, I've never seen a black squirrel. Are they as friendly and playful as the other species?

  12. We don't seem to have black squirrels here, although the wikipedia entry shows a photo of one from farther up the California coast. For such a mysterious creature, you seem to be able to capture them fairly regularly - they must secretly like you!

  13. @Poetic Shutterbug
    Black squirrels are just as playful and friendly with each other, but they avoid humans more than the bigger fox squirrels. Their behavior can be different than that, depending on the area they live in.
