
Monday, June 28, 2010

Game - Where Is The Squirrel?

It's time for another game where I ask you to find a hidden critter! The last game turned out to be a little too hard, and this one might be as well. But even a good guess might work. Clicking on the picture to make it bigger can also help. Goofy comedy guesses are also very welcome. Anyway, on to the rules of the game.

There is a squirrel in this picture somewhere. All you have to do is find it! You can also make a random guess. Then in the comments section describe to me where you think the squirrel is. There can be more than one winner, so make your guess even if someone else has the same guess. This is all just for fun, so there are no official prizes.

Tomorrow I'll reveal where the squirrel is. I'll also list any winners. And I'll also list whoever leaves the funniest guess whether it's right or wrong, but keep it clean. I know you can think of something funny; most of you are very creative bloggers. I hope you all have fun with this one. And good luck. Make your guess.

Nature Center Magazine - We have even more fun with squirrels today! Our Cool Nature Video is called Chipmunk Fishing. This one is a very funny video where a young man named Jon actually goes fishing for chipmunks. Don't worry, no chipmunks are harmed. Go see if he catches anything.


  1. Stumped again! No clue. Maybe its time to get glasses! HA!

  2. After studying the picture for 5 minutes...I'm guessing he is on the stump. One of the branches on the ground looked like a snake. Yikes!

  3. It is behind one of the trees. I am certainly right.

  4. Don't know for sure but I think he is right by that hollowed out area of the second large tree from the left, almost in the middle of the photo.

  5. I can't really tell but it looks like there might be something red next to the hole in that tree and on the same tree way up it looks like there might be something. Sure is a thick forest you have there.

  6. There is indeed a squirrel in the picture it couldn't be more obvious. However it is a black ninja squirrel and I'm a bit too frightened to reveal his whereabouts for he appears to be giving me an evil glare.

  7. Ratty did you say it was easier? No? Right near the tree with the hole in, centre frame.......but then again.

  8. he inside of the hole in the tree waiting for you to go away???

    I think he might be next to the hole.

  9. I think he is running down the 2nd tree from the left!

  10. I think the squirrel too the photo (and it's the same camera-toting squirrel from a few days ago). That's all I can figure. If it's so difficult that a kitty can't find it, how do you expect humans to?

  11. He is sitting at the porch of his house, the middle tree with a hole. charging his camera battery to shoot a unwary adventurer in his woods...

  12. The squirrel is sitting on the fallen branch near the hollow tree.

  13. Well, I already know because I read the most recent post first.
