
Monday, May 10, 2010

The Song Of The Tufted Titmouse

I have been saying that while I've been getting a lot of bird pictures lately, I'm not sure when it will start getting difficult. Well, I've seen a few of those difficulties, but they aren't slowing me down yet. So today I'm not only bringing you a few pictures of this tufted titmouse, I also have a video of this bird, along with its song!

To be honest, I got all of this about two weeks ago. But I've been planning to bring this titmouse to you the whole time. Time. Time is what seems to be moving very fast for me these days. It's very hard for me to keep up with it, but I'm still out having my adventures, and getting pictures like these.

This video shows the tufted titmouse from the same area that I found the robin and its nest I showed you a couple days ago. I like it there because there are a lot of birds. This video became a little out of sync with the sound somewhere in the process. But the important thing is seeing and hearing this cool bird. I hope you like it, shaky cam and all.

As you can see, the little tufted titmouse stayed there for quite some time, letting me take as many pictures as I wanted. I did enhance the photos a little bit because of the poor angle of the light. Go to Nature Center Magazine to learn to do this yourself.

This was a wonderful experience. I was standing on a small path that cuts through this small section of the forest. It's like a birding paradise at that spot. The path leads from the meadow to the lake. Birds seem to love this place. I saw five different kinds of birds here just yesterday.

I mentioned at the beginning that I've been seeing the difficulties of seeing birds like this one. It's a good and a bad thing. Notice that you don't see any leaves on the tree here. The leaves are coming back to most of the trees now, and they're concealing the birds.

I lost several pictures yesterday because of the leaves, but I also was able to get closer to a few more. So maybe it can work both ways for me. Hopefully I'll be able to continue seeing all of these birds. The one kind of bird that I'm not seeing as much though is the geese. They don't seem to be coming around very much this year.

And one last thing. You may be wanting a little more information on this tufted titmouse. I know I didn't give much, but that's because technical information isn't necessarily what I do best. But where can you go to get information about creatures like this one, and for free? Well, I have a plan for that, and it involves Nature Center Magazine. It will be coming soon.

Nature Center Magazine - Did you like the song of this titmouse? You haven't heard anything yet! Today our Cool Video Of The Week features the amazing lyrebird, a bird that has the incredible ability to mimic most other sounds it hears, from other birds to chainsaws, and even human sounds. Come see the beautiful sights and sounds of this astonishing bird!


  1. Beautiful shots and good luck seeing through the leaves. You seem to have a good eye. :-)

  2. Very cool post. I love tufted titmice. The song is so clear, but just one instrument in the symphony of birds in the background.

  3. Amazing pics, as always! I've got something for you over at my site, if you'd like to stop by

    Have a great day!

  4. These pictures are just awesome! I have never seen one of these little guys, very cool. Good find.

  5. I have stood forever trying to get that good shot through the trees only to catch a flit and chase it with the camera coming out with a smear image.Interesting comments when others pass you gazing into the heavens.

  6. Your are having more "friendly" bird friend recently. You must have practised talking like a bird better and better right now.

  7. I love the mohawk hairdo of this cutie :) Her voice so sweet!

    Ratty: I prepared a game this Wednesday especially for you, be there!~:P

  8. What a pretty little bird and I loved the video I was paying more attention to the sound though so the shaky cam didn't bother me one bit. Can't wait to check out the other bird on Nature Center Magazine.

  9. I love these little guys and hear them all the time outside, calling to one another. I never knew the sounds of birds till the past few years really. Nature is awesome. I really should get out front sometime and video the Goldfinches. I like their sounds too. Great video Ratty!! And photos!

  10. They really are pretty birds. We have them here too. They are one of my favorites. Glad you got all these pictures of them. The video is wonderful. You do such a good job Ratty. Have a great week.

  11. I love the video Ratty, just hearing those delicate and tender chirps were so calming. He has an adorable face and probably knows it since he let you spend so much time photographing and videotaping him :) Loved this post.

  12. Such a pretty bird..I have never seen any up here yet..!

  13. This is such a sweet little bird, Ratty, and I could listen to its serenade for hours! How nice that he was so cooperative with your filming.

  14. More bird TV! This was a fun bird to watch. We don't get them in southern California, although I do hear birds that sound a little like them.

  15. Gorgeous pictures of the beautiful bird, Ratty~

  16. I love to seeing deer. Here in our place people especially hunters are looking for deer for personal purpose...they're endangered species but I don't know what our government are doing to preserve them from extinction. After seeing your post I was delighted to see how beautiful these creature are...Are you not tempt to shoot even one?

  17. Aww.. a cute birdie with the sweetest voice. Great video and captures Ratty! Heard more birdie voices within it.

  18. Never seen one of these before- excellent shots. It's such a cute bird!
