
Tuesday, May 11, 2010


My worst fears seemed to come true Sunday. When I got to the nature park, I kept hearing birds all over the place, but the leaves on the trees were concealing them all. In fact, I walked all the way to the back of the forest and I didn't see any animals at all!

After realizing that the animals just might not be out so early in the morning, I decided instead to just enjoy the walk. But right as I came to a fork in the trail, a very strange thought came to me. I usually took the path on the right, but this thought told me to go to the left. The left leads out of the forest to the meadow, and I had a strange feeling that there were deer out there.

So I took the left path. And just as I rounded a small bend to where I could see out to the meadow, there it was staring into the forest right at me! It was the deer that I just knew would be there! And look farther back behind it. There's a second one back there!

I don't know how I knew this would happen, but I did. Could it be that I'm developing a strange link with all of these wild animals? Or could it be that it's all just coincidence, and I'm just full of crap? I'd say it's probably the latter; I am trying to write exciting stuff here after all. But you never know...

After taking a few(dozen) pictures of the deer, I decided to turn back around and take the other path after all. I didn't want to chase the deer away by going to the meadow. Plus I figured I'd circle around and get more pictures from the other end of the place. This way the deer wouldn't run away.

But as I got back to where I couldn't see the deer anymore, the thought came back into my mind. But this time it was twice as strong! How could I resist? I had to go back one more time to take a look. I had a strange feeling that I knew exactly what I was going to see.

Yup! There they were! Both deer had moved right up to the edge of the path that entered the forest. There were there all because of me. I guess they wanted to see a strange creature, the same as I wanted to see one. And I guess they got exactly what they wanted. They stood there watching me as I took several more pictures.

Then when they decided they'd had enough, they turned right around and ran back out to the meadow and disappeared. I knew that chasing them wouldn't help at all, so I decided once again to circle around to the other path. I thought again that maybe I could get around them and get more pictures.

I ran down the path as fast as I could. But when I got to where I thought I'd find the deer, they had already disappeared. I looked and looked, but never found them. I don't know why I got the strong feeling to go to the other path, but somehow I knew both times that the deer would be there. What do you think happened that strange morning?

Nature Watch Magazine - Emma has a new article up with her featured Nature Site Of The Week. Go and see what it might be this time!

You may not have seen me on any of your sites for the past few days. I've been getting cut off from the internet a little bit. And last night my internet connection stopped working for quite some time. I'll be back as soon as it starts working better again.


  1. Oh deers, they are such gorgeous creatures..My internet has been odd too..The strong wind around here probably knocked it off..

  2. You are learning to listen to your inner self. The more you are outdoors in natural settings, the more connected you become. All animals have this ability, humans, for the most part, unconsciously choose not to listen to them.

    I see it as a major step, you are an official member of the natural order. Wow!

  3. You have delighted my children, who were very excited to see those deer photos! "I always wanted to see a deer!" Thanks! :)

  4. Bill explained it well. You are experiencing being one with Nature. The more you love and appreciate wild creatures the more they will appear in your life. A wonderful door has opened for you!

    Lovely pictures of the Deer. I believe they wanted you to find them.

  5. Often I have walked almost right up on them before I see these gentle creatures. To get them to stay I avoid direct eye contact, sometime holding my head down as if looking for graze.They have attracted another denizen of the woods with large populations ,mountain lion, a vey allusive creature with a lust for Bambi.

  6. When we go too often into the jungle, we always think we know everything about the jungle, and it usually prove to be so.

    We have established our rapport with nature.

  7. I think you are starting to read the world around you a little better and catching site of things that may lead you to the animals...maybe they are even leaving you little clues that you are finding without being aware of it. To be able to photograph the pair together is a very special gift they gave you Ratty...thanks for sharing with us!

  8. I think that you have spent so much time out there that they are all getting used to you being there and you are becoming one with nature. At least it sounds good any way :)

  9. I really like your photos here. :)

  10. Great photos, Ratty! It sounds like you are slowly becoming "One" with the woods and her creatures...pretty handy for a photograper!

  11. I love deer. My first real up-close-and-personal experience was camping in Yosemite back in 2000.

    I'll bet the deer snapped some pictures of the strange human and have posted the pics on their own blog ;)

  12. I know what it is! You're getting your instincts back. Humans spend so much time inside their heads that they forget how to sense things. But you've been spending a lot of time in nature, learning how to coexist with the animals so you can photograph them. That's perfect training to get your senses back.

  13. Ratty, they know you now and know you are connected with them. You have amazing intuition out there. These photos are great too.

  14. I believe they are staring at your big rat costume and camera Ratty :)

  15. It's called instincts.. animals have them.. humans have them.. and sometimes these instincts overlap.. and create a temporary state of ESP. But as we begin to be more aware of them (the instincts) they simply disappear, cuz they become volatile.. when we start adding reasoning or logic to them. *sorry if this made no sense!* lol

    Beautiful photos Ratty! Wish I could have encounters with such adorable deer too.

  16. That second picture is my favourite- what beautiful creatures and the pictures are brilliant!
