
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Great Blue Heron

Click to enlarge for a better view
I told you yesterday about my psychic adventure with a couple of deer. But what I didn't include was something that distracted me to failure when I circled around to try to catch up to them. I say failure, but that's not really what it was, because the distraction I had was actually the sight of this great blue heron!

This bird has been hanging around the lake for the past couple of weeks. I saw it the first time about two weeks ago when it flew past me while I approached the lake. I think it saw me as I approached, and it decided to make a hasty retreat. This time I was hidden by several trees.

I saw it as I was running past trying to head off the deer. Of course I couldn't pass up this new opportunity so I stopped immediately to get a few pictures. And a few was all I got. I hid behind a big tree and began, but this very large bird must have heard the sounds of the camera, because it flew away once again. Still, I was able to get about four identical shots. This is one of them.

Nature Center Magazine - I promised a few days ago to help you to identify animals on your own. Today is the beginning of the fulfillment of that promise. Come see the newest feature of Nature Center Magazine.


  1. Great blue herons are just about my favorite bird. They are stealth, patient, and reclusive. They are wonderful parents, and they look like pterydactyls when they fly.

    Most of all they are graceful.

  2. I love the reflection of the Heron in the water. Very cool sighting.

  3. Great shot! I love Herons! I find they tend to frequent the same waters regularly so you should continue to visit that spot. :-)

  4. We have this bird common in both our country. This heron always appears in the paddy fields.

  5. Beautiful creature and great shot. Those reflections are so clear and crisp.

  6. Enjoy seeing how close I can get to herons with my kayak.Watching them fish is fun, saw one inpale a trout I had hoped to catch and gobble it down.When I was at Padre Island this winter they are standing in the surf and not as flitty.Put a few deer shots in my blog yesterday after you started the deer ideas.

  7. I love to see the herons...then again I don't have a pond so they are never taking my

  8. You had one terrific day, first the deer then the blue heron. Nice shot. Maybe next time it will stick around a little longer

  9. That is some bird! Neither my human nor I have ever seen one in person.

  10. Ratty, herons here are also fairly shy creatures. You did well to get one good shot away. Now you next challenge is to capture one(on camera) in flight :-)

  11. Beautiful, beautiful capture, Ratty! What a great place you have there to enjoy nature.

  12. I adore blue herons! Great shot!
    Watch for my blog soon...I had an encounter with a Great Heron in a very personal way in Florida!
