
Monday, April 26, 2010

A Deer In The Woods

This deer is what I met in the forest after I walked up the stairs from the fishing platform by the lake. It was just standing there looking at me. As I always do when I meet any wild animal, I stopped where I was and didn't move. It put the deer at ease enough to resume what he was doing, eating the grass off of the forest floor.

I stop because I don't want to scare them. I learned awhile ago that if I stop where I am, and don't move towards them, the animals are less likely to run away. Alternatively, it's probably just as bad to run from an animal. If you run, the animal would be more inclined to chase you.

Any animal can be dangerous, even this gentle looking deer. So if you would rather not take the risk of encountering a dangerous animal, the best thing would be to make a lot of noise while you're alone. I don't live in a place where there are animals that would normally present a danger, so I always stay as quiet as I can. That's why I see so many animals like this deer.

My new camera has a special button on the back for recording video. I don't have to switch to a special video mode; all I have to do is push the record button, so it's quick and easy for me to get video now. So I have a new episode of Rat TV for you today featuring this deer.

Did you notice at the beginning of the post that I called the deer he? That's because he is a he. Take a look at the top of his head. That's the beginning of antlers. It's almost always male deer that have antlers. Females don't really need them. It can get pretty violent to be a male during mating season, so they need those antlers.

There's something else about this deer that I haven't revealed yet. That will have to wait until tomorrow. I have a terrible secret to tell you about what happened next. I don't know that you will want to see this, but I have another video coming tomorrow.

Nature Center Magazine - Monday is the day we bring you the Cool Nature Video. This week we are featuring another deer. This time we'll see what happens when a deer is provoked into violence. You may or may not like what you see. I found it kind of amusing. Go watch it and see why.


  1. He seemed to be eating rather fast, I wonder if he was that hungry, in a hurry or is it just a guy thing?

  2. Nice pictures. Looks like deer correctly identified that there is no harm from you..:)

  3. Spotted the budding antlers right off - what a terrific clip. He is definitely hyper-vigilant ('cause, you know, you might suddenly decide it's lunchtime or something :o) Awesome post!

  4. It takes a lot to scare off the deer around here. Just a couple weeks ago my husband was walking our dog and saw one at the end of our street. Our dog barked loudly at it and the deer just stood there staring at them. It was a BIG one!

    I have that video feature on my camera too, just haven't used it yet. I really should figure out how it works.

  5. Hey well done for keeping so quiet and getting so close to this amazing deer but please don't tell me it gets shot or something in your post tomorrow?

  6. He's beautiful. You are so good with the wild animals. I love running into deer but I do get nervous as they are big animals. Lovely photos.

  7. Great white tail photo. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

  8. Ratty nice pics and video. Its always satisfying to get good wildlife shots.

  9. Great video of him eating Ratty! I haven't seen any here lately.

  10. Pretty cool! I like it when he licks his lip. You have two advantages in getting good videos like this. #1- the animals really are less jumpy in parks/preserves where you do a lot of your hiking. #2- no dog.

    We get to see the results!

  11. I always think of monkeys when reading about your deer. I cannot be too noisy otherwise they will get provoked and act very differently.

    They may attack. So be silent, and observed carefully.

  12. I didn't know that about the antlers, he is eating quite voraciously. Can't wait for the video. I saw your nature magazine video just a little while ago and was very disturbed, not by the deer, but by the human.

  13. What a beauty! Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve for tomorrow!

  14. love your video, and the photos too, the deer looks super lean and healthy.

  15. I think he is eating his meal in rush. Can't wait for the terrible secret!!!

  16. I would be scared of a deer if I saw it up close - I'm not too fond of the dog here, and she is way smaller than a deer and a lot more harmless! That said, the one you filmed is really a handsome young guy.

  17. Your photos are just wonderful! I love watching deer.

  18. i love your photos and please always save the deer on forest, stay nature

  19. You must be totally invisible Ratty! =D See how he feasts in such a carefree manner. So cute.. lol Awesome video and great captures!

    And thanks for the new tips too. ^__^
