
Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Flower Of The Year

Well. It's been a bit of a rough night for me. I'm writing this post very early in the morning because my power went out right as I was getting it together last night. I actually planned a late night on the web, reading some of your blogs, but that was rudely interrupted too. So now here I am, typing this in the wee hours of the morning.

And what do I have for you today? It's not my usual animal post. I really like the animals, that's why I feature them so often. But sometimes there's something else that I stumble upon that's every bit as good as being chased by half a dozen raccoons. Today it's this flower.

But what kind of flower is it? This is the part where I usually string you along for a bit and then reveal the identity of my new find, but this time I have to say that I really don't know what this flower is. I'm getting pretty good with animals, but plants are another story altogether. But don't worry, I still have a story for you.

You see, I found this flower in the strangest place, under odd circumstances. I was at the back end of a good sized nature trail, in the middle of the forest, under all of those trees, when I saw a pretty big animal. Yes, it's back to animals again! I never did get a good look at the animal, but when I rounded the corner to where it was, I found this flower instead.

This is the first flower I've seen in the wild this year. Notice I didn't say wildflower. That's because I don't think this is a wildflower. I don't know why, but it just looks too domestic to me. Of course, I could be wrong you know. Some of you may recognize this one easily, but as I said, I'm not good with plants yet. If you know what it is, I'd be grateful for a positive I.D. though.

Now the reason I don't think it's a wildflower is because I saw these same flowers later that evening growing near the benches at another nature park, as if they were planted there by someone. Yes, I sometimes go to more than one in the same day. I'm addicted!

But here it was, this flower was growing out in the middle of a dark forest, all by itself. How it got there, I don't know. There is one person I could ask, but I haven't seen her since then, so that isn't happening right now. For now, I just want to share this flower with you. I hope you like it, because I do. It's my first flower of the year!

As for the identity of the animal I saw, the answer to that will come another day.

And that's my story on this rainy early morning after I finally got my electricity back. It woke me up just in time!


  1. The very first flower of the year. Hurray!!!

    And I met an eerie little thing, a hammerhead worm, this morning.This is my very first worm of the morning.

  2. That would be a double daffodil. I don't see too many of these but they are quite pretty

  3. I was about to say fancy daffodils, because I have seen them, not in the forest though. Beautiful yellow flower!

  4. I just need to comment on how this picture give a breath of fresh air in my blog hopping activity today....

  5. Nothing is more beautiful than a simple flower. Nice of you to capture that for all of us.

  6. My guess was daffodil and I was right afterall lol...though I haven't seen a real one 'cause we don't have it in the Philippines but I often see photos of daffodils which are really great...just like your picture here.

  7. It's a very beautiful flower and to see the first one open up is very heart warming letting you know the weather really is on the turn.

  8. Yes, I think it's a double daffodil too because I have them here...problem is when they get wet, they get so top heavy they fall over way too easily!! Was it "planted" by a helpful squirrel?

  9. We have loads of daffodils around here. It doesn't look exactly like ours do in Norway but the leaves.. the green bits look the same. Daffodils often start off being planted but they spread very easily and can show up far from where they originally planted. They're a symbol of spring and Easter here :)

  10. Super fancy style daffs are really pretty but mine did the same as WillOaks and droop when wet! I bet there was a house in the distant past. When I am out doing field work I will find them in places where they should not be, but usually on very close investigation I can find some traces of a house nearby.

    Aren't you glad spring is finally getting going!!

  11. Double daffodil. One usually finds them in the woods when there used to be a house nearby. Look for old lilac bushes, stone piles, and remnants of decaying orchards. You'll get so you can instantly spot where someone used to live and look at those flowers and be grateful for a spot of color in their yard or garden.

  12. Whatever it is, it is certainly beautiful!

  13. I immediately thought, daffodil as well, but I didn't know there was such a thing as a double daffodil! I got an education as well as the privilege of seeing such a beautiful picture on this too, rainy Sunday morning.

    Sorry you lost your power last night, was it due to the weather? I'd go manic if I lost mine, lolol.

  14. I believe also that it is a daffodil. They can come up almost anywhere. We have them all along one of our roads here. They multiply like crazy. I think the person that talked about someone living there a while back probably planted some and they just moved over. It doesn't take long for somewhere to get all grown over.

  15. It is a daffodil...probably someone either planted them somewhere and the animals dug up a few bulbs and hauled them into the forest and it grew and multiplied in the is a double daffodil for sure.

  16. It happened to me before. Left few more hours before the posting schedule is due and my mouse gave away on me. I need to rush to nearby shop before it closed and purchased one. Thank God they were open. Beautiful Daffodil Ratty :)

  17. hi, the picture of the flower is very beutiful,,,like it....

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  19. I'm not an expert on flowers or animals, but I sure like to appreciate such beauty. It's amazing how such a beautiful and delicate-looking flower can thrive in the wild.

  20. I recognized it right away as a daffodil of some sort because my human loves them and I've seen them outside in the front yard. But she won't have them in the house because apparently they are toxic to kitties.

  21. Wow.. gorgeous flower in the middle of no greenery. Never seen it before though.

    PS: That raccoon story was a sad one. Hope they found their mom soon after. And if it were me I'd have definitely cuddled them and took them home! lol Anyway thanks a lot for giving those valuable tips too, on how we should treat baby wild animals and keeping them away from catching the human scent.

  22. The daffodil so detailed and cheerily expressed is so pretty. That is a very good closeup, Ratty.

  23. The flower was a nice change, Ratty!
