
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Unfortunate Secret Of The Deer

I showed you this deer in yesterday's post, and I also revealed that I was going to reveal a terrible secret about it today. I waited until today because I it happened in two parts for me as well. I originally thought how beautiful it was when I found it there eating peacefully. Then when it began to move I discovered that this poor deer has a bad leg.

I don't know what happened to him, but one of his back legs is in bad shape. That might be why he's all alone. He looks really bad when he's moving around, and he's not going very fast. He seems to be having a lot of trouble walking, but he's getting where he wants to go just as readily as any other deer.

I am guessing that he was injured in some way, probably hit by a car. It looks like we're in the deep forest out here, and this is a huge forest network, but this forest is divided by a lot of roads. I've seen the same groups of deer from this forest in my backyard which is at one end of this huge forest. There are a few major highways in between. The streets are dangerous for suburban deer like this one.

This episode of Rat TV is not a fun one. Watch it at your own risk. If you're sensitive to sad sights like this, you may just want to skip it. The deer doesn't have any open wounds or anything like that, but the way he's walking doesn't look good at all. Even though this isn't fun to watch, it's still very much a part of nature and life.

On the positive side, he looks as if he's getting where he wants to go, and he isn't in any obvious pain. There are a lot of places for deer to hide out here, because like I said before, this is a very big forest. He also won't be jumping out very quickly in front of any cars now. They'll easily see him coming.

I left him alone there where he was because it's not my place to interfere. I've seen injured deer before, and there's not really anything I can do for them. I could try to contact someone, but I don't think they could do anything positive either. When I came back through this way the deer was nowhere in sight. The only thing to do is hope he can make his way as he is.

Nature Center Magazine - Emma has a new Nature Site Of The Week up. She is featuring a place called Stokes Birding Blog. I know she has been looking for one like that for awhile. I don't ever make suggestions to her, so this one is a new one for me. As always, she features the best of the internet. So you would do good to check it out.


  1. Oh the poor deer. He does have a problem there but like you said he seems to be able to get where he's going and doesn't seem to be in pain.

  2. It is sad to see an animal that has been hurt, it gives us a feeling of helpless. There are a lot of animal rehabilitation centers around the country, if there is one nearby you might give them a call. Since he seems to be moving around and doesn't seem to be in pain there is probably not much they could do however but you never know.

    Great photos and videos in both this and the last post Ratty.

  3. I like the videos and photos, Ratty..He seems to be moving around quite well, like you said..

  4. Aww, poor deer. I didn't watch the video due to your warning though I probably would have been ok. It doesn't take much with an animal to turn the faucets on, if you know what I mean.:-)

  5. Hi Ratty, this deer is doing just fine. From the movements it looks like a hip injury, could have been an accident with a car or even a very tough birth. At any rate he is doing very well, and we should appreciate the fact that he is living in a relatively safe environment.

    I didn't see it as sad or hard to look at, rather a miraculous example of survival. Nice poet!

  6. Interesting what Bill said about a bad birth. The walk is very much like people with mild CP... definitely a hip problem at any rate. Since it's a he, if there is any territory open to hunting that is in his range, I expect he won't live past November. As cruel as it sounds, I'd rather see him go that way than torn apart by coyotes or dogs next winter.

  7. There is not much we can do or help, this is part of its life that it has to go through, and gets tougher through this.

  8. Hey, Jason here, I just got a little award, it's called I love your blog, it's fun, part of the rules for getting the award is to pass on the love, so that's what I've done, you are one of my 15!


  9. oh, sorry to see the deer is injured, and yes, yesterday's picture showed he is very healthy and i thought could run actively, did not know about the poor condition of his legs. hope he gets well soon.

  10. Hope there are no predators there. Otherwise the deer will be an easy picking for them.

  11. That is sad because even though he is a suburban deer, there are still a lot of predators around and he will be easy prey. But it is a part of life - I have to admit that a bug or moth with a bad wing doesn't have much of a chance if it crosses my path.

  12. I hate to see an injured animal. He's moving okay but looks like he might have been hit by a vehicle and injured his hip. it seems that his leg is okay. I feel his pain, the poor thing. Let's hope he heals a bit. They do manage somehow. nature is awesome and cruel to watch at times. Good video Ratty.

  13. Poor dear deer. I can't imagine he/she could run well to flee a predator. Not sure if this might be a genetic thing or an injury but, you are right, the deer seems to be getting along pretty well as long as its not a target of a more aggressive creature ( man or animal ).

  14. Never expected this, when it was happily feasting in the previous post. Feel so sorry for the deer. But it seems like the accident or w/e happened sometime back and it seems to be in no pain. So least it's got back to its normal life, for the most part.

    And if there aren't any dangerous animals out there, the deer will be safe in the hands of nature. I guess if it eats well and be strong it might heal with time, slowly but steadily.
