
Friday, March 12, 2010

The Hopeful Little Squirrel

Fox Squirrel
I decided to take a short break from the videos to show you what is perhaps one of the most adorable squirrel pictures ever. After watching this little guy rooting around in the old leaves of the forest floor, I was happy to see him stand up as proud as can be and give me a great pose for the camera, complete with a very nice smile.

This is actually my first post about squirrels in months. I purposely stopped writing about them awhile ago to give everyone a bit of a break. It was shortly after that that the squirrels decided that it was time to finally find their warm places for the rest of the winter. Maybe they felt snubbed by my lack of writing about them.

And now, just as the other animals are doing, the squirrels are coming back out to enjoy the warmth of this early spring-like weather. This is the very first squirrel I've seen on the ground in at least a month, and it's very clear that he was ready for me when I got there.

Fox Squirrel's Hind End
After I got plenty of pictures of that one pose that he seemed to like very much, he went back to his digging around for a nice spring meal, probably acorns from last fall. They really seem to be enjoying them right now since they have become uncovered. It's much easier to find them under a blanket of leaves than a blanket of snow.

Most of the squirrels still don't seem ready to come down out of the trees yet though. They seem to be content to bide their time in the treetops for now. They don't quite trust this early spring yet, but I see more coming down every day. Soon this little nature and hiking park will once again become the squirrel paradise that it has always been.


  1. I'll bet those little guys are happy the snow is going away. It won't be long before they come out of the trees now. Ours have been on the ground most of the winter but we have had very little snow this year. Great shots Ratty.

  2. I said hello to the squirrel during my last hiking trip.

    Yes, just a hello knowing there was no way for me to capture him.

  3. Glad to see the squirrels are back. They spend their time in the trees because there is more food there at present than on the ground. Now that the snow is melting that will change, wouldn't you say?


  4. I am hoping the Chipmunks will wait a few weeks yet to come out of hiding...they eat up too much of my birdseed and I am waiting for new birds to migrate through!

  5. I like the first photo a lot! He gave you such a great pose!

    Lately I have seen many "sick" squirrels around our neighborhood, where many of them are completely bald around and behind their necks. Wonder what happened to them!

  6. Good capture of the squirrel, Ratty! So clear! Cute motion shot! Can't wait for the creatures to finally emerge to enjoy spring! :)

  7. I figured you'd go squirrelly again. Glad to see it was sooner rather than later. I think we all deserve an early spring this year.

  8. Ratty, we enjoy reading about your squirrel friends. Nice image capture.

  9. Yes, he really is cute! I wonder why they wait to come down on the ground.

  10. The squirrels here have babies in nests. Maybe that is why you aren't seeing many. Nice photos of this one Ratty! They are waiting for spring to arrive like we are.

  11. Never get tired of your squirrel pictures. Keep them coming. They are sure entertaining to watch.

  12. What a great picture that is, it does look like he's smiling at you. Even from behind he's cute. I love all your squirrel pictures.

  13. This is a beautiful squirrel and an excellent photo.

  14. he is really cute and i love the soft glow of light hitting him

  15. I noticed our squirrels seem to be more active too these days. I think they are looking for nuts and the girls! LOL!

  16. Yay! The squirrels are back! Looking forward for their crazy encounter with you again Ratty :)

  17. It's him! It's him! THAT'S the squirrel - the one that people always say I look like! But other than our ticked fur and fluffy tails, I don't think we look alike at all. And if he were to see me, I don't think HE would think we looked alike either.
