
Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Geese Are Back!

Canada Geese
Finally, the geese have come back to Carpenter Lake Nature Park! Today is the beginning of a wonderful time! Even though yesterday started this series of events on a sour note, this was actually an eventful and happy day for me. The geese have finally come back! Just like last year, I was right there at the park to watch them fly in on their first day back. What a wonderful experience!

The whole nature park seems to have sprung to life on the day the geese came back. There are smaller birds all throughout the forest. The squirrels are beginning to peek back out of their hiding places, even though they still seem tentative. And there are even small insects flying around out there.

One big surprise I got today while I was in the middle of the forest actually took the form of something very small. Well, actually some things. The chipmunks decided to leave their underground homes and come out to investigate this early warm weather. There were tiny little chipmunks running around everywhere! I wish I could have been quick enough to catch one on camera, but I'll keep trying. I have something just as good anyway.

The geese coming in for a landing

I actually have video of the very noisy geese flying down onto the frozen lake! This is a good improvement over last years bad photos of them flying in. You might have to look closely to see them coming in, but you will be able to hear them very clearly. Making noise is what Canada geese do best. Well, maybe second best. Look at the ground anywhere they have been.

One odd thing I noticed in this video is right at the point where the geese come to a halt at landing. While flying in, they make constant noise with all of their honking calls. It's almost as if they use the sound to notify of their coming, or for maybe navigation. As soon as they come to a halt upon landing, the noise abruptly stops. I found that quite odd.

Canada Geese In Flight
Here is a picture of the second pair of geese from the video. The first picture is of the first pair, but I used my zoom lense from the other end of the lake. This picture is a capture from the video itself. This second pair didn't land in front of me, they only circled overhead. They decided to land farther up the lake where no humans ever go. There are more geese there, and also a flock of ducks.

I said no humans go there, but that's not entirely true. I snuck up there to get some very interesting video of the ducks. I couldn't get too close, but I was close enough. I'll be showing that one to you very soon, along with some other very excellent videos and pictures in the upcoming days.

I really have had two very good days now. Even if spring is not truly here yet, the animals have decided that it is! I can't tell you how excited I am about the events from these past two days. I've seen so many things, so many animals. I'm eager to be able to share them with you. I have such sights to show you!


  1. Yup, they are quite loud, even in your video, Ratty..The pictures are fantastic too.

  2. Do you know on what day the geese appeared last year? I'm curious if it was within a day or two of this year.


  3. That seems pretty strange that they stop honking when they land. I'll have to watch for that. We had our first robin here yesterday.

  4. They are really noisy, just like having a carnival.

    They might be celebrating the arrival of spring.

  5. Ratty, that is one of your best videos. Just to hear them and the sounds of nature is just beautiful. Strange that they stopped when landing but I guess they were announcing their arrival. I'll have to watch the geese more closely. Cool video and well done.

  6. it was lovely to see and hear the geese coming back...truly shows spring is returning to all of us!!

  7. Excellent video. They sure do make a ruckus coming in. That is odd how they stop as soon as they land.

  8. That is a super video. I love to watch the geese land and take off. I have a pond on my property and geese come quite often. When they take off they make the same honking noise and they also splash a lot which I guess they are getting a running start to flying. It is really fun to watch.

  9. Hi Ratty, I just gave you an award!

  10. The video was fun Ratty, they can be very noisy when flying. I think they might be saying "Are we there yet?".

    Sorry to hear about the incident with the dogs. What would have happened if you had been someone with a small dog, or even worse a child. People can be such jerks.

  11. haven't heard or seen any yet here..but I am waiting...anxiously waiting!!!!

  12. Great photos and video Ratty! I love the sound of geese! I have seen a couple chipmunks but not too often.

  13. For some reason, I love the sound they make ... so I especially liked the video. I must say though that the first picture on the post is just loveable.
