
Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Brave Little Rabbit

I found a very special little animal that decided to come out and visit me! As you can see, it was this little brown rabbit. This little rabbit has been showing up near my house for the past several evenings. It seems it has made its home at the edge of the wall in the picture. I keep seeing this little rabbit just sitting there watching me.

It's afraid of me whenever I come out of my house and see it, but it just doesn't want to leave it's home for very long. I thought at first there was something wrong with it, but I went over to check, and it hopped away easily enough. I'm now wondering if there is something important in it's little home, like maybe baby rabbits.

I know the rabbit has been here for quite some time because I've been looking at its tracks in the snow all winter long. I would see them go from the back of my house all the way to the front. It would go in a circle around my truck, and then over to the house next door. This rabbit was active all winter.

The Brave Little Rabbit

And now for something you might not have expected. This new episode of Rat TV shows a good closeup of my friendly wild rabbit doing just what rabbits do, wiggling his nose while looking around nervously. What more could you want from a cuter little rabbit?

Actually, the video would probably have been much more entertaining if the rabbit jumped up and attacked me or something equally horrifying. Just think of how funny that would have been to see me running around my yard with a vicious rabbit hot on my heels! OOOH!!! You Wascally Wabbit!

And one more photo of my little friend, just for good measure. These are actually the only good photos I got out of maybe thirty, even though the rabbit sat so still while I took all of those pictures. Like I said at the beginning, it comes out in the evening. My camera has a lot of problem with blur in low light. I'm glad I was able to get these two photos.

There is actually a huge rabbit population in the neighborhood around my house. I just never thought I'd ever get close enough to one of these little critters to get any pictures. I'm glad I got this one. I'll be watching for it in the future to see if there are any little ones following it around. Maybe I'll get to see a whole family one of these times.

Th-th-th-th-That's all, Folks!


  1. we have a lot of rabbit warrens in the fields very close to us and I love to go walking and catch sight of them...especially when the babies start to emerge....I will have to go soon and get some shots of the area...this rabbit really is a beauty!!

  2. Well, that's one fluffy, soft, and cuddly looking rabbit..Maybe it will have bunnies soon..Beautiful pictures.
    (The video didn't work when I clicked it, and I will try again later!)

  3. What a cute little rabbit. I think we had one living under our shed in the back yard last summer but I never saw any signs of him over the winter. I loved the little wink he gave you in the video

  4. That is a nice, big healthy looking rabbit. I think it's an older one and maybe just being cautious. I think it's too early for babies but you never know with rabbits. Ha! I hope you do get to see little ones later Ratty. I don't see rabbits here much. If there are any the foxes probably get them.

  5. Too bad Jimmy Carter didn't have a video camera with him when he was attacked by a rabbit while paddling a boat! Do you remember that? Strange story for sure.


  6. Cute rabbit. Maybe she does have some babies or he might be the daddy standing guard. Why don't you give it a carrot or a leaf of lettuce??? Might be fun to see what it would do. Maybe put it out there when the rabbit wasn't there to surprise it .Great pictures.

  7. Does a rabbit attack man?

    Then you may have the whole family attacking you in one day.

    Red Alert!!

  8. Not many here in Cyprus, the hunters have killed them all off. How cute yours is!

  9. Its wonderful to have rabbits so near. We used to see them all the time, but habitat succession and the increase of coyotes seems to have severely knocked back the rabbit population where I am.

    Thanks for sharing your photos and video!

  10. Monty Python did a "killer rabbit" sketch. It was hysterically funny. Think it was in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Don't want to scare you, but they looked suspiciously like the one in your pics :-)

  11. I was just holding a rabbit that looked exactly like that yesterday. Not wild of course, but just as beautiful and fluffy.

  12. What a cute little bunny. We have a couple around our house too. I sometimes see them on my way to the bus stop in the mornings. I call him "hippity-hop."

  13. Silly...that is the EASTER rabbit, checking to see if you've been good enough for those Cadbury chocolate eggs!

  14. This is a cute little fellow - well I don’t know if it is a fellow… We used to have one in the front lawn last summer but I have not seen it for a long time. We do have plenty of Canada geese on the lake behind our house. We went to a movie matinee last Thursday and there were a couple of wild Canada geese on the parking lot, just walking around – I don’t know what movie they were going to see…

  15. Another creature we don't see very often here in SoCal. You have to go out to the desert, and if you're lucky you'll see a jack rabbit. But as an indoor kitty in the city, I don't see ANY hopping through my back patio. Maybe I should talk the humans into moving somewhere that has more wildlife? I loved checking out your bunny - he looks like he was winking at you in the video!

  16. Precious Ratty, absolutely adorable and it's so cool he just posed for you. Awesome photos and video.

  17. Aw, he is adorable. You are so lucky to have one sit still that long. Great photos and the video was really cute.

  18. Tried to comment yesterday, but turned out that our router needed rebooting and never did get my comment entered.

    I love, love, LOVE bunnies. You can show me pictures of bunny wabbits anytime you want!

  19. That is one seriously cute rabbit! I love seeing them out in the wild- I still get excited but I'm not sure why!
    I think they are so pretty.
