
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Summertime Goldfinch

American Goldfinch Female
The picture of the goldfinch above is from last summer at July 20th. I was determined to keep pictures of snow away from you today, so I thought I'd bring this past delight to you instead. I like snow and winter, but I know many of you just aren't very convinced by the cold winter months. So I have this American Goldfinch for you to look at while I tell you a tale of winter.

We recently had several days of warmth and sunny skies. This came shortly after our biggest snowfall of the year. Well, since this is still February, we can't reasonably expect the good weather to stay for very long. That beautiful weather left us today with a vengeance! We were able to top our biggest winter snowstorm of the year today.

It was all very close, but the evidence speaks for itself. We accumulated at least eight inches of snow today. I think it only affected the Detroit area of Michigan this time, so I think my friends out to the west of the state were mostly unaffected. This storm topped the other in more ways than one for us.

The piles of snow that the snow plows created are a lot higher this time, even though the other snow we had was melting away nicely. The temperatures are still a little high for this time of year, so the snow was very wet. Being out in this storm was almost as wet as walking in a cold rain, which is not at all fun.

Not to fear though, because the warmth is helping it melt extra quick. It won't go away soon, but the roads are already clear. Maybe I'll go and get some pictures from the snow accumulation today, but I still am not sure I'll share them. What do you think? Do you want to see more snow right now? Spring is only a month away!


  1. I do not mind to see more snow or the other way round.
    Anyway, the weather won't affect me through the monitor screen. At the end of the day, I still sweat a lot due to the scorching temperature.

  2. I love goldfinch - so pretty. There is snow actually falling here while I type this. I can expect snow to continue through March really. We get some nicer weather in March but not much.

  3. Hi Ratty! Sorry about your weather. We've been balanced this year in rainfall... it's El Nino (sort of) in CA and a "big" storm is on it's way in now. But as you said, spring will be here soon.

    And for your bird yesterday... I love seeing new birds. That's the fun of birding!! When I went to the "new" place for work a few weeks ago I saw a common bird of that region called a Phainopepla ( Way cool!

  4. That is a pretty Gold finch. I had some come to my bird feeder a couple of years ago and I got so excited. I never did take any pictures of them but they were gorgeous. Thanks for the no snow picture.

  5. Oh I love Goldfinch. I have a feeder in the back yard for them but last summer I didn't see any at all. As for the snow, as long as it's not in my neck of the woods I don't mind looking at it :)

  6. Aw, he is a cutie. I adore Goldfinch and this one is quite the specimen. Thanks for the story and photo

  7. Yup, we missed the snow :-(, but I'm driving tomorrow, so selfishly I would like the roads clear then. Little yellow bird is cool any time of year!

  8. Oh, it's so nice to see some colorful birds this time of year. Please, no more snow photos. I'm just done with snow.

  9. Thanks for bringing us a nice summery picture. Hope warmer weather makes it out to your area.
