
Monday, February 22, 2010

My New Bird

I found something that is very new, at least for me it is. It's a mourning dove! These birds are very common, but this is the first one I've ever gotten a picture of. I've seen plenty of other pictures of these birds, but the adventure is the thing here. And any time I get something new it's a good adventure.

Whenever I go out I always look to the higher up branches of the trees. I've learned that even if there are no other exciting animals around there might be an interesting bird or two. Usually I'll see a small dark shape on a branch, and a slight movement. That's when I know I've got a bird up there. And then of course there is the sound of their voices cooing or chirping. I guess that's always a tip off.

Anyway, even if I don't see the bird very well I'll zoom my camera in close to it and begin taking as many pictures as I can. Most of the time the bird will turn out to be an American robin. Those are our official state bird, so naturally we have a lot of them. But sometimes I'll get even luckier and capture something I've never had before, like a mourning dove.

This particular mourning dove was actually hiding itself in a flock of robins. When I saw the first picture of the birds I found I figured I had more robins to share, but I was just going to keep them to myself this time. After all, too much of a good thing begins to sour after a little while.

But then as I got to this one I immediately noticed that it was different. I guess it's pretty obvious. It doesn't really look much like a robin when you see it up close. These birds seem to be colored just right for the grays and dull browns of winter. These past few sunny days have been very helpful.

Every time I see a new bird in the winter I wonder what I'll get to see next. Nature is just so full of surprises. I know I keep saying it, but winter is so much more full of life than we all realize. The only way to find out is to go outside and look. Do it however you can. You'll be happy you did.


  1. The mourning Dove color almost blend with the branches. You got sharp eyes Ratty :)

  2. Nice shots of the mourning dove, I really like the first one. We have a lot of them around our yard but they mainly stay high in the trees.

  3. I'm starting to see mourning doves in my backyard these last few weeks when the weather was warmer.

    Take care if you're going out today..

  4. You maybe one of those few who like winter and winter wonderland.

  5. This time of year I notice a lot of mourning doves along dirt roads eating road salt. A curious habit! Glad you found a new adventure with your state bird.

  6. Coooooo-l. One or two of these are soothing. A flock of them making noise is marginal! We are getting some of the snow, although again, the best is south of us. Are you getting any?

  7. He is very cool and you are right, Winter surprises like this are becoming more and more ordinary. Great shots

  8. Love the photo and the memory! Here, they are bountiful as summer guests and build nests in somewhat lower branches of our dense evergreen trees! I love the way they coooooo!

  9. Nice capture. We have had a couple of those in the back yard but the large black birds tend to scare off any of the birds that come around.

  10. @Sharkbytes
    We just got our biggest snowfall of the year. After all of those warm sunny days, we really got it dumped on us. The snow plows have piled up huge mountains of snow here. At least it's still warm for snow. This was pretty wet stuff this time, so it might melt fast.

  11. We get loads and loads of mourning doves here in SoCal (and unlike you, we get few, if any, robins). I see them all the time out the office window. The cat my human had before me caught one of them right in front of her, while she was outside, working on some writing stuff one summer afternoon. But guess what? She managed to grab her cat and get the bird out of her clutches - and it flew away! The cat was mad as all get out, but the dove (and its mate, who had been there for the whole incident) were very relieved!
