
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Black-Capped Chickadee

Black-Capped Chickadee
I found another new bird! This one is a black-capped chickadee! Just like I told you when I brought you the mourning dove, this is actually a common bird, but it's a new one for me. I've been seriously observing nature for several years now, and I'm still finding new things that seem common to some people. I've also found some things that are far from ordinary.

This should tell you that no matter how or when you start to do it, watching nature in all it's forms can bring you a great adventure. This bird is a new and exciting find for me, and tomorrow it will be a normal sight in my eyes. When that time comes there will be another new and thrilling adventure waiting for me to take it's place. The black-capped chickadee will then be a welcome old friend. Today it's still my exciting new discovery.

When I was walking along the path in this area I never expected to see this bird there in the tree. It's a path I've walked many times, and I've also seen many birds flying there, but they never remained so close. The last thing I saw here, in almost the exact same spot, was a small garter snake. That one happened while I was fleeing from a family of noisy little kids.

This bird brings back so many memories from this place. It really is a path I know so well. The only reason I noticed this bird was because I was already looking in that direction. I've seen many animals in that spot, and I was looking for more, just in case. This exact spot is in fact marked off as a bluebird sanctuary, even though I have yet to see one.

This little bird was hopping all over this tree in quick little motions. I was really having trouble keeping up with it with my camera. There were a lot of crowded together branches, so getting a perfect picture was out of the question. The important thing was that I got it at all.

I found it interesting that this was another bird that could cling upside down on the branches. There seem to be a lot of those. You might also find some very interesting things when you begin observing birds or any other wild animals.

I was among the first generation of kids to have video games while I was growing up. I loved playing them, but for maybe different reasons than other kids. I loved the adventure and the discovery of new things. Not too dissimilar, but I took that idea even further. The discovery was the thing for me. But it soon just wasn't enough. I needed something real. Nature is real. I'm telling you that this is even more fun than playing video games, because this is real!

I guess these are some of the thoughts that a new discovery inspires in me. What kinds of things go through you mind when you discover something new like this?


  1. Aw, he's a cute little fellow Ratty. I don't remember seeing this one before. Right now my yard is filled with Juncos. I gave you a mention on Through Squirrel Eyes I have a little find the critter game similar to yours and gave you credit for the idea.

  2. You have good eyes, Ratty! Look at all that branches..What a cute little bird..

  3. That is a lovely find Ratty!
    I absolutely love it when I see birds (or otjer animals) that I haven't seen before. Recently, I have discovered so many new birds and I get so excited and my friends or family say something like 'oh they're really common' but I just have never seen them.
    It still makes me feel like a kid and all excited when i see something as simple as a common old song thrush!

  4. Chickadees are one of my favorite birds. They seem to be curious about humans and if you watch them long enough, they really have personality in the way they tilt their heads and move closer or further away depending on how comfortable they are around you.

    Thanks for sharing your discovery. I really relate to your video game experience too!

  5. Love those little guys- I'm out the door to NY- will wave as I pass SE MI!

  6. We have a ton of those cute little birds where we live and it is one of the highest populations that are brave enough to stay here all winter too...they have a really nice song and you can hear them in the woods when you hear no other sounds...glad you got to see them there!

  7. Wow!! New finding!!!

    We both behave just like a kid, because of a simple discovery.

  8. The Chickadee is probably my favorite little bird. They love a bird feeder and can get almost tame. Where I lived before, there were a lot of them and they would bring their children to the feeder and just chirp away. Glad you found one. They are terrific little birds.

  9. He is adorable and I'm loving all these beautiful winged critters you are finding. I need to visit there.

  10. I see these in my yard frequently, very cute little guys!

  11. I've seen these before but I had no idea they could hang upside down. Amazing. I hope to see more of this guy in the future.

  12. I love discovering new things. It keeps my day a bit more interesting. Just the other day, I saw a few visitors climbing on the tree, clung to them like Koala bears. They were all playing peekaboo with me. The raccoons have now come to visit me everyday, although they plan new acts every time.

  13. Just love the outdoors so much to see and do A new find is always exciting

  14. I thought the only flying creature that hang upside down are bats. Great job Ratty!

  15. That IS a cute little bird! My favorite is the photo of him hanging upside down. I thought maybe most birds could do that, but they just chose not to. Hanging upside down seems like something one would only want to do now and again.
