
Monday, January 11, 2010

Wintery Black Squirrel

I was entering the forest of a very snowy nature park when I looked off to my right and discovered a little black squirrel climbing up the side of a tree. As many of you already know, I try to never miss a chance to get a picture of a black squirrel, because they are so difficult to photograph.

Every time I try to get a picture of a black squirrel, they come out as just a black blur. It's because they are just so dark that the camera has trouble focusing on them. Well, I discovered something that can change all that. Winter! It seems that the gray and white color of winter makes these black squirrels much easier for the camera to see!

Since the squirrel was kind enough to stay around for awhile, and since I was hiding behind a tree, I had enough time to bring you an episode of Rat TV featuring him eating the acorn he was carrying up the tree with him. The video is a little shaky, partly because all of my videos are, and partly because of the wind.

I showed you a few pictures of another black squirrel eating an acorn in the snow a few days ago. I wished then that I had video of him, so I'm glad I was given this second chance. I hope to get many more. Maybe it will give me enough practice to learn to steady my hands a bit.

This picture above is what I saw when I first looked over at him. I discovered him hugging that tree, trying not to drop his acorn. I think he saw me watching him, but he didn't want to lose his food so he froze there in that spot. It wasn't too long before he was on the move again though.

I was glad that he didn't go very far. He climbed from the tree onto this little branch that was wound across it. It seems that all kinds of squirrels like to eat their food while they're perched on a tree or a branch. I've seen them jump from the ground onto a tree so they could eat. Maybe it's so they can get a high area where they can watch out for coyotes and photographers.

I have to say that winter this year has been pretty good for me so far. I still get to see animals. And sometimes I can show them to you in an even better way than I could when everything was green. That's it for today.


  1. WOO-HOO! You go girl!! He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL :o)

  2. It's so cold outside, but watching squirrels is still a funny thing to do..

  3. Very nice pix, Ratty! But the video won't load for me....

  4. OK... it loaded on the third try. He is so cute. And the wind must be pretty good, it looks like his tail is being blown around, not moved by him.

  5. That Blackie looks very hungry. Just a tips for recording the video under extreme weather. You can try to stick the cam to the tree trunk while taking the video, it helps absorb the shake. Other alternatives are, buy a mono-pod for your cam, or create yourself from a steady long stick. Happy hunting!

  6. Lovely pics! I love the tree in the previous post too!

  7. Little guy looked like he was really enjoying that acorn. I've seen shakier videos I'm sure you'll figure out how to keep er steady.

  8. I have a false perception on hibernation. I thought all the animnals sleep through the winter.

    Look like they are not.

  9. I'm fascinated by these black squirrels! Out here in SoCal we just get the brownish ticked ones with the orange bellies - the ones SOME misguided humans say I look like.

  10. Best pics yet of the elusive black squirrel. Say, you have been lucky this winter!

  11. Good for you to see him again!! I have never seen one up here in the U.P. They look kind of exotic!

  12. Oh, he's so lovely! So black!

  13. I am jealous that you get to see these black squirrels Ratty!! He really looks black with the snow around! So glad you got a video too! Awesome!!

  14. Hello everybody! Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments. I just want to say again today that I really appreciate them. In fact, I like reading them them so much that I'm going to do something about it. I'm going start a little comment section game. This one is exclusively for those of you who also like to read the comments. I'm going to give you a special word. This time the word is "Splendor". Mention this word in your next comment, because I have a special prize for all of you who do it.

  15. Ratty, I love that video and the fact the he did not budge at all during your taping. Those black squirrels are really cool and I'm always amazed how they climb those trees. I'll start you word game next comment, since I posted late on this one.

  16. Ah Ratty, you have captured the splendor of winter with your post on the little black squirrel in the snow. He is a real cutie. I think the squirrels are trying to tell you that they can be sweet and adorable most of the time. Maybe to lure you into a false sense of security....not. I think they are getting used to having you around and realizing you are not a threat. They like you Ratty.
