
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Of The Black Squirrel

I think I may have gotten my best photo of a black squirrel, ever. This makes him look as cute as a little cartoon character. I always wondered when I was going to finally see a cute black squirrel. This is much better than the very sinister looking black squirrel I saw three months ago.

This is the same squirrel from yesterday's post. Now it's done eating it's acorn, and it's on its way up the tree. I was happy that it stopped long enough to prove to me that these little forest ninjas can be just as cute as any other squirrel. It's much better than looking like a sinister little vampire bat.

More Rat TV! He doesn't really move very much in this short video, but his tail is blowing in the wind. He moves his head just a little bit, but most of the movement is just the shaking camera. Still, a video helps nature come to life.

Here is the little black squirrel from when he first jumped back onto the tree. I wasn't prepared for him to do that, so my camera wasn't zoomed in very far yet.

This is when he must have heard me moving around from my hiding place, behind the tree. I suspect he already knew I was there anyway. I think that's why he kept stopping in one place for so long. It must have been his way of hiding. Maybe he thought he was too dark for me to se him if he didn't move.

I should have known when he looked in my direction that he was about to do something. Notice that in this picture the squirrel is a little blurry. That's actually a bit of motion blur because I caught him just as he was making his move to escape up the tree from the evil photographer.

Notice that he didn't squint before he moved.

And in the very next picture he was off and running! Up the tree he went! He thought he had gotten away, but I could still see him. I decided to play along since it was so clear that he had had enough of me, so I left him alone and moved along to my next adventure.

Since I dedicated two days on this little guy, I thought of giving him a name like I've done for other squirrels. But I don't really know what name I could give to one of these forest ninjas, black squirrels. I wonder if he feels left out. I guess I'll never know.

That's all folks!


  1. He sure is a very cute black squirrel, Ratty! It's great to see animal in this weather.

  2. I love to know your little black squirrel does look much better than the very sinister looking black squirrel you saw three months ago.

    No matter how I look at my boss, the feeling is never improved.

    Please do not tell him.

  3. You are right, an even better photo than yesterday. It's amazing that you have such a dominant black squirrel population in that area. They would do well to scurry about at night; the ultimate camoflage.

    Why don't you call him Opal? You could refer to him as Opie for a nickname.


  4. See, I don't understand the "sinister" feeling. I think they are the cutest of all the squirrels. I think the big fat fox squirrels look like gluttons and bullies. I watched them chase others away in A2.

  5. Today I have seeing a squirrel on a telephone wire always amuses me as I grew up in a town where all wires were underground. Seeing the way they use power lines/telephone as a tight rope to cross roads will always stop me in my tracks.

    Best Regards,

  6. I've never seen a black squirrel before now I'm dying to see one in person. He looks so adorable. I have to show my girls when they get home. They are going to love it. Thanks for the pics.

  7. Since he does look kind of Ninja-y....(that spelling was horrible, but you get the idea) could name him after one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...he looks like a Donatello to me....just an idea!

    Anyway, LOVE THE BLOG. Visit everyday. Jennie

  8. Call him fits!! He is cunning and wears mostly black, right? And the ladies love him!

  9. Oh my goodness...he is sooo cute. I've always been fascinated by black squirrels...amazing how color can make such a difference....oops...beginning to sound like Harry Reid....

    I know...not funny. But I couldn't resist!

  10. I believe you have to pick a name to our new little fella here. Surely you will meet him again in the near future.

  11. It doesn't show in the still pictures but in the video I see a hint of lighter color at the tip of the tail. Is this little guy one of the white tipped squirrels? Imagine the SPLENDOR of it all.

  12. I could sit for hours and watch the squirrels going about their business. I see them more often around towns than the country though :-(

    How about calling him Sooty? :-)

  13. These pictures are great. You've been getting better and better shots all the time

  14. He's adorable Ratty and I think you should name him Ratty Jr. He is a little explorer like you. Love the video too, you can see his mouth moving :)

  15. He is a beauty. It's always exciting to see something out of the ordinary. Even though I have cardinals in my yard and see them on most days, the bright clear red color of them is always exciting to see!

  16. My human suggested that you call him "Blacky" - she's unimaginative like that. Her cat before me would have called him "Dinner" - she was a tough outdoor huntress. Being an indoor-only cat, I'm just enjoying the photos of this little guy (probably not that little compared to my 6-lb. self) cavorting in the kind of winter splendor we don't get in my part of the US.

  17. Hello again to all of my wonderful commenters! It's good to see a few new names today! Thanks for all of the name suggestions. I'll begin using them soon. I'm also glad that there are a few winners of my comment game. Look for your little prize in tomorrow's post. I have another game today for all of you who read the comments. Just mention the word "Consummate" in my next post to win the game, and I'll see about continuing my little prizes.

  18. i showed your squirrel photos to my baby. he enjoyed them. when he's watching up, the movie, he's always ready when it comes to the point when the dogs will shout squirrel. lol.

    nice one you've got!

  19. @Gab's Mom
    I'm glad he liked them. I haven't seen UP yet, but it looks like a fun movie.
