
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter's Tree

Today I'm going to dedicate my story to a tree. Yup, one tree. One amazingly wonderful tree! I've seen this tree maybe a hundred times before, but this time there was just something special about it. Maybe it's the snow that's gently laying on the branches. It just seems to have an inner glow that calls to me.

This tree sits quietly by itself at the front of Carpenter Lake Nature Preserve. I've taken pictures of it before, but this time it just popped out at me when I got out of my truck. I had to take a few more pictures of this tree this time. I usually just glance at it and head for the hiking trail.

Then when I got home, as I glanced through my pictures, this one photo seemed to almost beg for me to show it to the whole world. Well, who am I to turn down such a passionate request? I'm sure you can guess what I did next, since the picture is right here in front of you.

And since I already teased you with the one photo at the top, I decided that I should be generous and show you some of the other photos of this tree. I guess now you can choose for yourself which one you like the best. I don't think the tree would mind, as long as you choose at least one of them.

You know, I never planned to write a post about this tree, it seems as if it was all the tree's idea. Sure, I purposely took the pictures, but only because the tree called out to me in one of the sweetest voices I've ever heard. Then as I gazed at the pictures on my computer screen, I heard the echo of that voice again, calling to me, pleading to be seen.

I've done what you asked, tree. I hope others can hear your voice as well as I do. I guess not all things hibernate this time of year, because you belong to winter, and winter belongs to you. I'm glad you are so willing to share it in the best way with me this year.

And now I'm sharing winter with all of you. It's a good one this time.


  1. I like the first one...the other pics. make it seem kind of lonely to me...but that first one is very is the king of trees...not one just to be passed on by as you go off hiking!!!!

  2. Fantastic post - it really made me smile. ^_^

  3. I can see why you took the photos; it's so pretty sitting there all by its lonesome (but not lonely at all - he seems quite content :o)

  4. What a pretty tree all decorated in it's winter apparel. I'm with allotments4you the first one is my favorite.

  5. I'm sure the tree will thank you the next time you see it. And it does just sort of say "look at me!" doesn't it?

  6. This tree must have left someone's home after Christmas. It is not needed after the festive season.

    It is feeling lonely.

  7. I like the first picture. It makes the tree look its prettiest. It is a beautiful tree because it is so well shaped and the snow makes it look gorgeous.Great picture. Glad you showed it to us.

  8. I also like the first one even though I'm sick of snow and Winter.

  9. I like the last picture the best. The first is majestic and lets us know that the tree is important and it is posing for us. The second shows the tree moving regally away. The last picture is the tree quietly obsrving everything around it, much the same as a king watching his subjects. It is reposed and dignified.

  10. I love that the changing seasons really do make trees and other things in the woods look SO different as the seasons change.
    Since getting into photography, I notice the "ordinary" so much more...which then shows you that there really isn't such a thing as ordinary, is there??
    OH..BTW....ON JAN. 17th, my blogpost...there is a message there for you from some Florida squirrels...
    (I prepublished the blogpost already). :-}

  11. Ratty, I can absolutely hear the tree's voice. I hear it more loudly in the second photo where it is standing unique and beautiful surrounded by the snow covered lake. Love the tree. What a fantastic post. Thanks Ratty.

  12. That's one perfect Christmas tree for the lake..It is beautiful!

  13. it's a fabulous tree, so worthy of the post, i love your tree images, like a giant Christmas tree

  14. Beautiful winter tree, Ratty! Just look at that perfect shape and the rich, thick snow! Beautifully photographed too. makes me think of those giant ones in the mall...only this one is real and wild! :)

  15. What a wonderful tree, it is beautiful against the white of winter. All are excellent photos.

  16. Thank you all for your great comments. I always love reading them. I have something special coming soon right here in the comments section for those of you who also like reading them.
