
Friday, December 18, 2009

Walking On Water

Have you ever seen an animal that could walk on water? I think I have brought you something completely unique today. Do you see that animal in the center of the photo? It really is walking on water down there. Well, the water happens to be frozen, but it's still technically the truth, kind of.

The animal may look a little strange in this first photo, but what you are looking at is a fox squirrel that decided it would like to try and see how thick the ice is. I guess it's plenty thick enough to hold up a squirrel and maybe a small person, but I don't think anyone should risk that quite yet.

The one question I had while I stood at the top of the slope and watched that squirrel carefully creep along down there was, why was he taking a stroll on the ice? I stood there and watched as he made his way toward the shore, stopping sometimes to check the ice a little closer.

Here he stopped with his nose right on the ice. He didn't seem to be very worried that the ice might break under him, but he was being very careful not to let his feet slide out from under him. I don't think I've ever seen a squirrel walking around on the ice of a lake before. It must have been done before, but who has ever seen something like this?

What was he doing?

I think I finally solved this little mystery. It looks as if this squirrel was looking for wetter, more liquid spots on the ice so he could get a drink of water. It looked like he was kneeling down and licking the ice so he could get a drink. That's a very smart idea for this little squirrel.

I watched as he finally turned and moved back to dry land at the edge of the lake, only to venture out once again. The last I saw of him, he was walking up the middle of the river that feeds this lake. This is the first squirrel I ever saw that liked the ice this much, or I guess at all. That's one strange squirrel.

I wish I had time to get a video of this squirrel, but I can't always do it. I'm just happy I was able to get these pictures. They're some of my new favorites. With that, I am out of here for today. I'll be going back to work on my evil plan for world domination until my next post. I wonder if that will ever work out for me...


  1. Oh poor creature! I can imagine how it is when you're thirsty and so difficult to find a drop of liquid to drink...

  2. I've really never seen to many animals venture out on the ice nicely done

  3. I am curious about your evil plan Ratty! ^^

    Your title really did catch my attention. The photos are enough for us, especially we know that it is not very simple to capture them. Lovely how you present the various creatures here. Keep up the great stuff!

  4. Wonderful captures, Ratty! I like the last picture with the squirrel's shadow on the ice..

  5. Hi Ratty, I've never seen a squirrel walk on water before! Terrific captures, I especially like the squirrel's shadow in the last one.

  6. You got some unique photos Ratty! I always worry about the animals in winter and how they get their water. I used to try and put water out but it only freezes. I see them eating snow through the winter. There aren't any creeks nearby. Your squirrel must have been very thirsty to go out on the ice like that.

  7. The fox squirrel looks at its beauty besides trying to drink some water.

  8. Interesting! Although I see tracks some times, I don't see animals out on the frozen lakes very often. I really like the reflection of the squirrel in the last one too.

  9. I saw a faint halo over that squirrel head. It could be a squirrel messiah that we been waiting for!!!

  10. Those are terrific pictures. And I would be willing to bet the squirrel is looking for water.

  11. Thank goodness he didn't fall through the ice, Ratty because I know with your love of them, you would have tried to rescue him!

  12. You got some great shots there. That poor little guy needs some ice skates.

  13. They look for a bit of melted water. That's what they do here on my pond. They creep about licking the ice until they realize that they can get some water near the surface heater that we have on the pond.

  14. Poor squirrels - I never thought about what a problem finding water must be for animals in winter.

  15. Great shots Ratty, you captured something special. I haven't seen them on lakes but last winter one little fellow was coming to my patio and looking for wet spots on the ice there. I put out a bowl of water, changing it all through the day so it wouldn't freeze. I spotted them a couple of times at the bowl. I do it now on any really cold day.

  16. Wow, what a great capture! It really does look like he is walking on water! Very cool.

  17. I never realized squirrels would do such a thing. I really got a kick out of your pictures of this guy. I kept thinking I wonder if squirrels get their tongues stuck on the ice... Hee hee.
