
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Did You Find It?

It seems that my games are just too easy for you. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I think I'll have to make the next one just a little bit more of a challenge. Easy is fun, but sometimes a good challenge makes the solution to a game even more satisfying when you find it. Yup, the next one will be a bit harder.

As you might have guessed, the picture above is the bird we were all looking for. It is indeed a heron. It could indeed be an egret, but an egret is just another kind of heron. The strange thing about all of this is that this bird was able to hide from me much beter than it hid from you.

When I actually took these pictures I was so busy concentrating on the cormorant that I never saw this other bird there. I wish I did because I would have considered it an even greater prize right then. The cormorants were out there almost every day, but these birds were much rarer for me. The funny thing was that I did see it earlier but I thought it was gone.

Here's the same picture I showed you yesterday. I circled the heron for you so you could identify it even easier. And now you know for sure that it's right where you thought it was. You won! Go ahead and pat yourself on the back. You deserve it. Go on, I'll wait... There you go. Isn't victory satisfying?

I mentioned yesterday that I found the heron in this picture by accident. You see, I have a program that rotates my computer's desktop background between all of the pictures I've taken. This one just happened to come up. I happened to look at it and I saw that other bird lurking back there behind the hanging branches.

The surprise of seeing that bird hiding back there was what convinced me to make a game out of it. I guess I should have known that if it was that easy for me to see the bird then you would get it without a problem. I guess its back to the drawing board. My evil plan of world domination will have to wait until the next game.

Do you see that almost white colored blob floating there in the middle of this picture? That is the same hiding bird, only this time it was flying right past me. It was maybe fifteen minutes earlier, and I was standing right across the lake from where it was hiding in the other picture. If only I would have waited.

This story is told so I guess that's it for today. I'll be back tomorrow with something more current. In the meantime I'll be coming up with a new plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! Haa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!


  1. Once you accomplish world domination...can I have a key position in your cabinet or will this be a one man show? :) Great pics as usual!

  2. Urgg...

    I have missed the post that would have tested the IQ of simple-minded person, just because of a minor technical problem by the service provider.


  3. Well darn I missed the game. Those herons are beautiful birds. Can't wait til the next game.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Can't wait for the next challenge, That's cool...

    Btw What Camera do you use to take the pics ?

    Just curious :)

    Anyway thanks for adding my Exotic Pets Blog on your "More Great Places", I really appreciate it...

    I've updated my BLogger Profile and now everybody can access it, thanks for the suggestion...

  5. I think I missed this last game too. Nice pictures - I find interesting when I get home and see something in the picture I had no idea was there.

  6. That's was a fun game, and the hard part is to identify the bird..

  7. A perfect example of camoflage! How wonderful that this bird can only be seen with great difficulty, certainly an advantage is survival! That is specifically what I like about your blog, lessons eloquently presented in an understandable way.

    Many thanks.

  8. Delusions of Grandeur??? ha It was still fun, even if it was easy.

  9. Hope we can see that crane-like bird again in the future

    Do you need a sidekick for your part-time job Ratty? :)

  10. It's nice you make up these fun little games for your readers and I'm sure you'll dominate some day, hoping for another great adventure for you today.

  11. I will admit that I only got half right. I did find the bird on my own but I went with what kind of bird by looking at the others answers. Yes I cheated. I am so ashamed. Well maybe not that ashamed but it sounds good. Good luck on your plan.

  12. I didn't see your original post ratty. I was looking at this picture and isn't there a turtle in there also??

  13. That was a fun game Ratty, I look forward to the next one. I've found things in photos after they were on the computer that I missed while taking the photo. It's almost always a pleasant surprise.
