
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Game - Find The Bird

After thinking for quite some time that it has been long overdue to have another game here, I couldn't come up with one no matter how hard I tried. Then as I looked at this picture that magically appeared as my computer's desktop background, I found the right game for you. It's, uh, in this picture!

I know! I didn't believe it myself when I first saw it, but this picture from last summer makes an excellent game. What is the game? Well, there is a bird in this picture and I want you to find it. No, it's not that cormorant that's sitting right in the middle of the picture. There is another bird in this picture. That's the one you need to find. Let me tell you how the game works.

There is a second bird somewhere in this picture, one that is not that cormorant. What you have to do is find that bird, then you have to possibly guess what kind of bird it is. You can click on the picture to get a better look. After you think you've figured it out, just leave a comment telling me where the bird is and what the bird is. To make it a little bit easier, I can tell you that I have featured this hidden bird a few times before on this blog.

You will definitely know if you see this bird, so you don't have to worry that the game might be hard. You also don't necessarily have to know the technical name of the bird, just describe it if you have to, I'll know if you got it. If somebody else already answered the same thing, you can still answer it too. Remember, the games here are just for fun, they're no big deal. The most fun though is to play, and for everyone to see what you've guessed.

That's the game. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them promptly this afternoon. I'll see you here then.

(One final note. I'm postponing the poll results until some time this weekend. The poll results posts are difficult for me to write, and I just don't have a lot of time right now. I'm trying to catch up with everything on here right now, like comments, and I've been very limited on time. Missing just one day here puts me very far behind, so I'm desperately trying to catch up. Hopefully I can get caught back up within a few more days.)


  1. AHA! Found him - his head might be invisible, but he's lurking in the foliage on the right hand side of the shot. A heron maybe? Egret? Not too swift on bird identification here (other than one of the "B-ball" birds - a.k.a. tall with super long legs :o)

  2. yeah i guess it's a heron and i think it's smoothing out it's feathers. :D

  3. Hi Ratty. I found the bird too but it looks like some kind of heron or stork or egret. or something of that stock! Lovely photo by the way :)

  4. Hi Ratty, right side of photograph a Grey Heron.

  5. The second bird is standing under the shade of the tree, and I have to guess it's an egret, or blue heron..

  6. A Great Blue Heron (probably). It's on the right, standing in the snaggle of branches jutting out into the lake.

  7. Heron just under the trees at the right edge of the point of land.

  8. Looks like a heron on the right side of the picture.

  9. I agree.... Right side of the screen...

  10. Before I read all the comments, I saw it, too, standing off to the right, an egret or crane or heron, near that tree leaning to the right.

  11. Hi Ratty! Looks like a great blue heron off to the right, partially hidden by the foliage.

    Lovely photo.


  12. Looks like a heron lurking on the right hand side of the photo. Nice photo Ratty.

  13. I thought it was in the tree to the left, however I think I may be completely wrong. It looks grey.

  14. I'm going with heron and it's on the right hand side of the picture under the trees

  15. CRAP! Everyone else found it before I did!! I see it on the right--it's a heron. Bummer, I'm too late. (hangs head in shame)

  16. I spotted it too on the right side of the picture...its head is hiding but I see its long legs..probably a gray heron or egret?

  17. I aggree that this is probably a heron in deed.

    Good story you have included here

  18. ok..i found it easy enough..and I think it's a heron or a stork!!

  19. oh that gray birdie with long skinny legs on the right side, isn't it? It's partially hidden but I found its silhouette easily. Might be cuz I'm seeing way too many heron kith and kin frequenting the paddy fields over here. =D

  20. Great to see that a lot of people knew it was a heron, but I was surprised only two got "great blue heron" which is what he appears to be.

    I love your photo games!!! Thanks. :)
